Demographics of Calgary

Downtown Calgary
Federal census. population history
1906 11,967+192.5%
1911 43,704+265.2%
1996 768,082+8.1%
2001 878,866+14.4%
2006 988,193+12.4%
2011 1,096,833+11.0%
2016 1,239,220+13.0%
Source: Statistics Canada..

In the 2011 Census, the City of Calgary had a population of 1,096,833 residents, representing 30% of the 3,645,257 residents in all of Alberta, and 3% compared to a population of 33,476,688 in all of Canada. The total population of the Calgary census metropolitan area (CMA ) was 1,214,839. Calgary is the largest city in Alberta, and the third-largest municipality and fourth-largest metropolitan area in Canada, as of 2016.

  • 1 Civic census
    • 1.1 2012 population breakdown
  • 2 Growth and density
  • 3 Age and gender
  • 4 Ethnicity
  • 5 Religion
  • 6 Languages
    • 6.1 2016 population by Mother tongue
      • 6.1.1 City of Calgary
  • 7 See also
  • 8 References
  • 9 External links
Civic census

Section 57 of Alberta's Municipal Government Act (MGA) enables municipalities to conduct censuses. The City of Calgary first conducted a municipal census, or civic census, in 1931. It has conducted a civic census annually since 1958.

Calgary's 2016 civic census counted a population of 1,381,345. From 2011 to 2012, there was a 2.7% increase over its 2011 municipal census population of 1,090,936. The city attributed the 29,289 increase in residents to a natural increase of 9,631 and a net migration of 19,658 since the 2011 civic census. The 2012 civic census also recorded a total 459,339 dwellings in the city.

2012 population breakdown

The following is a breakdown of the City of Calgary's 2012 civic census results by community, including residential communities, industrial areas, major parks and residual areas by electoral ward.

Growth and density

Between 2006 and 2011, the population of the City of Calgary grew by 10.9%, compared with an increase of 12.6% for the Calgary CMA. During the same period, the growth rates were 10.8% for Alberta and 5.9% for Canada. With land areas of 825.29 km (318.65 sq mi) and 5,107.55 km (1,972.04 sq mi) for the city and CMA respectively, the population density was 1,329.027/km (3,442.165/sq mi) for the city and 237.8516/km (616.0328/sq mi) for the CMA in 2011.

Age and gender

In the 2011 census, the median age was 36.4 years for both the City of Calgary and its CMA. Comparatively, the median ages were 36.5 years in Alberta and 40.6 years in Canada. The largest age group was 25 to 29 years for both the city (93,360) and the CMA (100,290).

The 2011 census also indicated that 50.09% of the population was female and 49.91% was male in the city (549,360 females and 547,475 males) and 50.05% and 49.95% in the CMA (607,970 females and 606,870 males).

Population by ethnicity, 2016
Ethnic originPopulationPercent
English 298,86521.74%
Canadian 275,95020.07%
Scottish 240,77517.52%
German 201,65014.67%
Irish 197,18514.34%
French 118,0808.59%
Chinese 104,6207.61%
Ukrainian 90,7406.60%
East Indian 90,6206.59%
Filipino 75,0205.46%

Pie chart showing the ethnic breakdown of Calgary (2016)

European (57.6%)South Asian (9.5%)Chinese (8.3%)Filipino (5.9%)Black (4.6%)Southeast Asian (1.8%)Latin American (2.7%)Arab (2.1%)Other (3.7%)Indigenous (3.8%)
Visible minority and Aboriginal population
Population groupPopulation ( 2016 )% от общей численности населения (2016)Население (2011 )% от общей численности населения (2011)Население (2006 )% от общей численности населения (2006)
Европейский 744,62560,9%727,94067,3%722,59573,8%
Видимое меньшинство группаЮжная Азия 115,7959,5%81,1807,5%56,2105,7%
Китайцы 1020708,3%740706,8%65,3656,7%
Черный 55,7304,6%31,8702,9%20,5402,1%
Филиппинец 71,7805,9%47,3504,4%24,9152,5%
Латинская Америка 33,5402,7%19,8701,8%13,1201,3%
Араб 25,1902,1%16 7451,5%11 2451,1%
Юго-Восточная Азия 21 6101,8%20 5301.9%15,4101,6%
Вт восточноазиатский 12,6101%8,4700,8%5,9300,6%
корейский 11,2350,9%8,1600,8%6,7100,7%
Японский 7,0800,6%51600,5%4,4900,5%
Видимое меньшинство, nie1,4450,1%2,8600,3%1,9200,2%
Множественные видимые меньшинства13,8951,1 %9,130 ​​0,8%6,6050,7%
Всего видимое меньшинство населения471,98038,6%325,39030,1%232,46523,7%
Группа аборигенов Первые нации 27,9152,3%12,8551.2%10,0901%
Métis 19,7051.6%14,6501,4 %13,5051,4%
Инуиты 5500%2350%2300%
Аборигены, нет4950%10100,1%4200%
Множественные аборигены личности3650%1550%1700%
Всего аборигенное население463853,8%289052,7%24,4252,5%
Общая численность населения1,222,405100%1,082,235100%979,485100%

Религия в Калгари ( 2011)

Нет религии (32,3%) Христианин (54,9%) Мусульманин (5,2%) Сикх (2,6%) Буддисты (2,1%) индуисты (1,6%) евреи (0,6%) Другое (0,7%)
Религия (2011)НаселениеПроцент
Христиане 594,27054,9%
Без религии349 83032,3%
Ислам 56,7855,2%
сикхов 28,5652,6%
буддистов 22,3752,1%
индуистов 17 4101,6%
Еврей 5,9950,6%

Согласно переписи населения города Калгари 2016 года, в которой проживает 1 381 345 человек, английский язык является родным языком для 67,8% населения. нц. Франкоязычные составляют 1,5% (20 715 человек). Другие языки составляют 30,7% или 383 320 человек. В первую пятерку языков Калгари, помимо английского и французского, входят тагальский (пилипинский; филиппинский), пенджабский (панджаби), кантонский, мандаринский и испанский (8685 или 2,1% населения Калгари). Родной язык

Город Калгари

25 лучших языков Калгари, 2016Население%
Английский 806 81567,8
Тагальский (филиппинский) 39 2853,3
панджаби (панджаби) 38,8403,3
кантонский 33,7002,8
мандаринский 28,3552,4
Испанский 27,0552,3
Арабский 18,3901,5
Французский 18,1501,5
Урду 16,3201,4
Вьетнамцы 12,5501,1
Немецкий 9,8950,8
Персидский 9,5250,8
Русский 9,2550,8
Корейский 8,8800,7
Польский 7,6800,6
Хинди 7,0500,6
Гуджарати 5,3900,5
Йоруба 5, 3060,5
Итальянский 5,0000,4 ​​
Румынский 4,4950,4 ​​
Бенгальский 4,0700,3
амхарский 4,0500,3
голландский 3,4350,3
венгерский 3,3950,3
Португальский 3,3600,3
Украинский 3,3450,3
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