Список депутатов, избранных на всеобщих выборах в Великобритании 1780 г.

Статья со списком в Википедии

Список депутатов, избранных на всеобщих выборах в Великобритании 1780 г.

13-й парламент (1768)
14-й парламент (1774)
15-й парламент(1780)
16-й парламент (1784)
17-й парламент (1790)

Это список из 558 депутатов или членов парламента, избранных в 314 избирательных округов парламента Великобритании в 1780 году, 15-й парламент Великобритании и их заместители вернулись. на последующих дополнительных выборах по округам.



ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZДополнительные выборы Изменения

Абердин Бургс (место 1/1) Адам Драммонд
Абердиншир (место 1/1) Александер Гарден Индепендент
Абингдон (место 1/1) Джон Мэр - ушел в отставку. Заменен Генри Хауорт 1782 - умер. Заменен на Эдвард Лавден Лавден 1783Тори.. Виг
Олдборо (место 1/2) Сэр Ричард Саттон, Bt - сдал за Сэндвич. Заменен на Эдвард Онслоу 1780 - ушел в отставку. Заменен сэром Сэмюэлем Бруденеллом Флудиером, Bt 1781
Олдборо (место 2/2) Чарльз Меллиш - ушел в отставку. Заменен Джоном Галли Найтом 1784
Альдебург (место 1/2) Мартин Фоннеро
Альдебург (место 2/2) Филип Чемпион Креспиньи
Амершем (место 1/2) Уильям Дрейк младший Тори
Амершам (место 2/2) Уильям Дрейк, старший Тори
Андовер (место 1/2) Бенджамин Летьелье
Андовер (место 2/2) Сэр Джон Гриффин
Англси (место 1/1) Виконт Балкли
Анструтер Истер Бергс (место 1/1) Сэр Джон Анструтер - ушел в отставку. Заменен на Джон Анструтер 1783
Эпплби (место 1/2) Уильям Лоутер - сдал Карлайл. Заменен Уильямом Питтом Младшим 1781Тори. Виг
Эпплби (место 2 / 2) Филип Хонивуд
Аргайлшир (место 1/1) Лорд Фредерик Кэмпбелл
Арундел (место 1/2) - недействительные выборы. Заменен 1781
Арунделом ( место 2/2)
Эшбертон (место 1/2) Роберт Полк
Эшбертон (место 2/2) Чарльз Бун
Эйлсбери (место 1/2) Энтони Бэкон
Эйлсбери (место 2/2) Томас Орд Тори
Эр Бургс (место 1/1) Арчибальд Эдмонстон Тори
Эйршир (место 1/1) Хью Монтгомери - снято с места по петиции. Заменен сэром Адамом Фергюссоном 1781
Банбери (место 1/1) Фредерик Норт, лорд Север Тори
Банфшир (место 1/1) Джеймс Дафф
Барнстейпл (место 1/2)
Барнстейпл (место 2/2) Джон Клевленд Виг
Ванна (место 1 / 2) Абель Мойси
Бат (место 2/2) Достопочтенный. Джон Джеффрис Пратт
Бомарис (место 1/1) Сэр Джордж Уоррен
Бедфорд (место 1/2) Сэр Уильям Уэйк, 8-й баронет
Бедфорд (место 2/2) Сэмюэл Уитбред
Бедфордшир (место 1/2) Джон ФицПатрик, 2-й граф Верхний Оссори виг
Бедфордшир (место 2/2) Достопочтенный. Сент-Эндрю Сент-Джон
Бере Алстон (место 1/2) Лорд Алджернон Перси - сидел за Нортумберленд. Заменен Виконт Филдинг 1780
Бер Элстон (место 2 / 2) лорд Макартни - ушел в отставку. Заменен Лоуренсом Коксом 1781
Беркшир (место 1/2) Винчкомб Генри Хартли
Беркшир (место 2/2) Джон Элвис
Берикшир (место 1/1) - выборы были переизбраны недействительными 1781
Берик-апон-Твид (место 1/2) Сэр Джон Делаваль, Британская Колумбия
Берик-апон-Твид (место 2/2) Достопочтенный. Джон Воан
Беверли (место 1/2) Фрэнсис Эвелин Андерсон
Беверли (место 2/2) сэр Джеймс Пенниман, бакалавр
Бьюдли (место 1/1) Уильям Генри Литтелтон
Замок Епископов (место 1/2) Уильям Клайв
Замок Епископов (место 2/2) Генри Стрейчи
Блетчингли (место 1/2) Джон Кенрик
Блетчингли (место 2/2) сэр Роберт Клейтон - ушел в отставку. Заменен Джон Николлс 1783
Бодмин (место 1/2)
Бодмин (место 2/2) Джордж Хант
Boroughbridge (место 1/2) Энтони Эйр
Boroughbridge (место 2/2) Чарльз Эмблер, KC
Bossiney (место 1/2) Достопочтенный. Чарльз Стюарт
Боссини (место 2/2) Генри Лоз Латтрелл
Бостон (место 1/2) лорд Роберт Берти - умер. Заменен сэром Питером Барреллом 1782
Бостон (место 2/2) Хамфри Сибторп
Брэкли (место 1/2) Джон Уильям Эгертон
Брэкли (место 2/2) Тимоти Касвалл
Брамбер (место 1/2) Томас Торотон - вступил в должность. Заменен на 1782 год
Брамбер (место 2/2) Сэр Генри Гоф
Брекон (место 1 / 1) Чарльз Гулд,
Бреконшир (место 1/1) Чарльз Морган
Бриджнорт (место 1/2) Хью Пигот
Бриджнорт (место 2/2) Томас Уитмор
Бриджуотер (место 1/2) Достопочтенный. Энн Пулетт
Бриджуотер (место 2/2) Бенджамин Аллен - снято с места по петиции. Заменено на 1781
Бридпорт (место 1/2)
Бридпорт (место 2/2)
Бристоль (место 1/2)
Бристоль (место 2/2) Сэр Генри Липпинкотт, младший брат - умер. Заменен на 1781 год
Бэкингем (место 1/2) Ричард Олдворт-Невилл - вступил в должность. Заменен Уильямом Гренвиллом 1782
Бэкингем (место 2/2) Джеймс Гренвилл Гренвиллит
Бакингемшир ( место 1/2) Ральф Верни, Эрл Верни
Бакингемшир (место 2/2) Томас Гренвилл
Бери-Сент-Эдмундс (место 1/2) Сэр Чарльз Дейверс, британская труппа
Бери-Сент-Эдмундс (место 2/2) Генри Сеймур Конвей
Бутшир (место 0/0) Чередование мест с Кейтнессом. Отсутствие представительства в 1780 г.
Кэрнарвон Боро (место 1/1) Глин Винн
Кэрнарвоншир (место 1/1) Джон Парри
Кейтнесс (место 0/0) Джон Синклер
Каллингтон (место 1/2) Джордж Стрэттон
Каллингтон (место 2/2)
Калне (место 1/2) Джон Даннинг - облагорожен. Заменен на Джеймс Таунсенд 1782
Калне (место 2/2) Исаак Барре
Кембридж (место 1/2) Джеймс Уорвуд Адин
Кембридж (место 2/2) Бенджамин Кин
Кембриджшир (место 1/2) лорд Роберт Маннерс - умер. Заменен сэр Генри Пейтон, Bt 1782
Кембриджшир (место 2 / 2) Виконт Ройстон
Кембриджский университет (место 1/2) Лорд Джон Таунсенд
Кембриджский университет (место 2/2) Джеймс Мэнсфилд
Камелфорд (место 1/2) Джон Эмианд
Камелфорд (место 2/2) Джеймс Макферсон
Кентербери (место 1/2) Джордж Гиппс
Кентербери (место 2/2) Чарльз Робинсон
Кардифф Боро (место 1/1) S ir Герберт Макворт
Кардиган Боро (место 1/1) Джон Кэмпбелл
Кардиганшир (место 1/1) Виконт Лисберн
Карлайл (место 1/2) граф Суррей
Карлайл (место 2/2) Уильям Лоутер
Кармартен (место 1/1)
Кармартеншир (место 1/1) Джон Воган II
Castle Rising (место 1 / 2) Джон Четвинд Талбот - сменил звание пэра. Заменен майором Джеймсом Эрскином 1782
Castle Rising (место 2/2) Роберт Макрет
Чешир (место 1/2) Джон Крю Виг
Чешир (место 2/2) Сэр Роберт Салсбери Коттон, британский президент
Честер (место 1/2) Ричард Уилбрахам -Бутл
Честер (место 2/2) Томас Гросвенор
Чичестер (место 1/2) Уильям Кеппел - умер. Заменен Перси Чарльз Виндхэм 1782
Чичестер (место 2/2) Томас Стил
Чиппенхэм (место 1/2) Генри Докинз
Чиппенхэм (место 2/2) - умер. Заменен Джорджем Флудиером 1783
Чиппом. Инг Уикомб (место 1/2) виконт Мэхон
Чиппинг Викомб (место 2/2) Роберт Уоллер
Крайстчерч (место 1/2) сэр Джеймс Харрис
Крайстчерч ( место 2/2) Джеймс Харрис - умер., его заменил (сэр) Джон Фредерик 1783виг
Сайренсестер (место 1/2) Сэмюэл Блэквелл
Сайренсестер (место 2/2) Джеймс Уитшед - ушел в отставку. Заменен лордом Апсли 1783
Клакманнаншир (место 0/0) Чередование сидений с Кинросс-Шир. Нет представительства в 1780 г.
Clitheroe (место 1/2) Томас Листер
Clitheroe (место 2/2) Джон Паркер - ушел в отставку. Заменен на Джон Ли 1785
Кокермоут (место 1/2) Джон Лоутер
Кокермоут (место 2/2) Джон Бейнс Гарфорт
Колчестер (место 1/2) сэр Роберт Смит, Bt Рад. Виг
Колчестер (место 2/2) Исаак Мартин Рибоу - умер. Заменен Кристофером Поттером 1781 - по петиции. Заменен сэром Эдмундом Аффлеком, Bt 1782виги..
Замок Корф (место 1/2) Джон Бонд
Замок Корф (место 2/2) Генри Бэнкс
Корнуолл ( место 1/2) Эдвард Элиот облагается дворянством. Сэр Уильям Молсворт, Британская Колумбия 1784
Корнуолл (место 2/2) Сэр Уильям Лемон
Ковентри ( место 1/2) сэр Томас Холлифакс - снято с места по ходатайству. Заменен Эдвард Роу Йео 1781 - умер. заменен 1783 годом
Ковентри (место 2/2) - отклонен по ходатайству. Заменен лорд Шеффилд 1781
Криклейд (место 1/2) Пол Бенфилд
Криклейд (место 2/2) Джон Макферсон - выборы признаны недействительными. Заменено на Достопочтенный. Джордж Сент-Джон 1782
Кромартишир (место 1/1)
Камберленд (место 1/2) Генри Флетчер
Камберленд (место 2/2) сэр Джеймс Лоутер, Британская Колумбия
Дартмут (место 1/2)
Дартмут (место 2/2) Ричард Хоу, виконт Хоу - облагорожен. Заменен Чарльзом Бреттом 1782
Денби Боро (место 1/1) Ричард Мидделтон
Денбишир (место 1/1) Сэр Уоткин Уильямс-Винн, 4-й баронет
Дерби (место 1/2) лорд Джордж Кавендиш
Дерби (место 2/2) Эдвард Кок
Дербишир (место 1/2) Лорд Ричард Кавендиш - умер. Заменен лорд Джордж Cavendish 1781Whig. Whig
Derbyshire (seat 2/2) Hon. Nathaniel Curzon Tory
Devizes (seat 1/2) James Tylney Long
Devizes (seat 2/2) Charles Garth – took office. Replaced by Henry Jones 1780
Devon (seat 1/2) John Parker
Devon (seat 2/2) John Rolle
Dorchester (seat 1/2) Hon. George Damer
Dorchester (seat 2/2) William Ewer
Dorset (seat 1/2) Humphrey Sturt
Dorset (seat 2/2) Hon. George Pitt
Dover (seat 1/2) John Henniker
Dover (seat 2/2) John Trevenion
Downton (seat 1/2) Robert Shafto
Downton (seat 2/2) Hon. Henry Seymour-Conway
Droitwich (seat 1/2) Sir Edward Winnington, Bt
Droitwich (seat 2/2) Andrew Foley
Dumfries Burghs (seat 1/1)
Dumfriesshire (seat 1/1) Sir Robert Laurie, Bt
Dunbartonshire (seat 1/1) Lord Frederick Campbell – unseated on petition. Replaced by George Keith Elphinstone 1781
Dunwich (seat 1/2) Barne Barne
Dunwich (seat 2/2) Gerard Vanneck
Durham (City of) (seat 1/2) John Tempest
Durham (City of) (seat 2/2) John Lambton
Durham (County) (seat 1/2) Sir Thomas Clavering, 7th Baronet
Durham (County) (seat 2/2) Sir John Eden, Bt
Dysart Burghs (seat 1/1) Sir John Henderson
East Grinstead (seat 1/2) Lord George Germain – ennobled. Replaced by Henry Arthur Herbert 1782
East Grinstead (seat 2/2) John Irwin resigned. George Medley 1783
East Looe (seat 1/2) William Graves – resigned. Replaced by John James Hamilton 1783
East Looe (seat 2/2) John Buller
East Retford (seat 1/2)
East Retford (seat 2/2) Lord John Pelham-Clinton – died. Replaced by Earl of Lincoln 1781
Edinburgh (seat 1/1) – unseated on petition. Replaced by Sir Lawrence Dundas 1781 – died. replaced by James Hunter Blair 1781
Edinburghshire (seat 1/1) Henry Dundas
Elgin Burghs (seat 1/1) Staats Long Morris
Elginshire (seat 1/1) Lord William Gordon
Essex (seat 1/2) John Luther
Essex (seat 2/2) Thomas Berney Bramston
Evesham (seat 1/2) Charles Boughton
Evesham (seat 2/2) John Rushout
Exeter (seat 1/2) Sir Charles Warwick Bampfylde
Exeter (seat 2/2) John Baring
Eye (seat 1/2) Richard Burton Phillipson
Eye (seat 2/2) – resigned. Replaced by Hon. William Cornwallis 1782
Fife (seat 1/1) Robert Skene
Flint Boroughs (seat 1/1) Watkin Williams
Flintshire (seat 1/1) Sir Roger Mostyn, Bt
Forfarshire (seat 1/1) William Maule, Earl Panmure – died. Replaced by Archibald Douglas 1782
Fowey (seat 1/2) Philip Rashleigh
Fowey (seat 2/2) The Lord Shuldham
Gatton (seat 1/2) Robert Mayne – died. Replaced by, 1783
Gatton (seat 2/2) The Lord Newhaven
Glamorganshire (seat 1/1) Charles Edwin
Glasgow Burghs (seat 1/1) John Craufurd
Gloucester (seat 1/2) John Webb
Gloucester (seat 2/2) Charles Barrow
Gloucestershire (seat 1/2) William Bromley-Chester – died. Replaced by James Dutton 1781
Gloucestershire (seat 2/2) Sir William Guise, Bt – died. Replaced by Hon. George Cranfield Berkeley 1783
Grampound (seat 1/2) Sir John Ramsden, Bt
Grampound (seat 2/2) Thomas Lucas
Grantham (seat 1/2) Francis Cockayne-Cust
Grantham (seat 2/2) George Manners-Sutton
Great Bedwyn (seat 1/2) Sir Merrick Burrell
Great Bedwyn (seat 2/2) Paul Methuen – resigned. Replaced by Paul Cobb Methuen 1781
Great Grimsby (seat 1/2)
Great Grimsby (seat 2/2) Francis Eyre
Great Marlow (seat 1/2) William Clayton I – died. Replaced by William Clayton II 1783
Great Marlow (seat 2/2) Sir John Borlase Warren
Great Yarmouth (seat 1/2) Charles Townshend
Great Yarmouth (seat 2/2) Hon. Richard Walpole
Guildford (seat 1/2) Sir Fletcher Norton – ennobled. Replaced by William Norton 1782
Guildford (seat 2/2) George Onslow
Haddington Burghs (seat 1/1) Francis Charteris
Haddingtonshire (seat 1/1) Hew Dalrymple
Hampshire (seat 1/2)
Hampshire (seat 2/2) Jervoise Clarke Jervoise
Harwich (seat 1/2) George North
Harwich (seat 2/2) John Robinson
Haslemere (seat 1/2) Sir James Lowther – sat for Cumberland. Replaced by Walter Spencer Stanhope, 1780
Haslemere (seat 2/2) Edward Norton
Hastings (seat 1/2) Henry Temple, Lord Palmerston
Hastings (seat 2/2) John Ord
Haverfordwest (seat 1/1) Baron Kensington
Hedon (seat 1/2) Christopher Atkinson – expelled for perjury. Replaced by Stephen Lushington 1783
Hedon (seat 2/2) William Chaytor
Helston (seat 1/2) Jocelyn Deane – died. Replaced by Richard Barwell 1781
Helston (seat 2/2) Philip Yorke – resigned. Replaced by Lord Hyde 1781
Hereford (seat 1/2) Richard Symons
Hereford (seat 2/2) John Scudamore
Herefordshire (seat 1/2) Thomas Harley
Herefordshire (seat 2/2) Sir George Cornewall, Bt
Hertford (seat 1/2) Thomas, Baron Dimsdale
Hertford (seat 2/2) William Baker
Hertfordshire (seat 1/2) William Plumer
Hertfordshire (seat 2/2) Thomas Halsey
Heytesbury (seat 1/2) William Ashe-à Court – died. Replaced by William Pierce Ashe A'Court 1781
Heytesbury (seat 2/2) William Eden – sat for Woodstock. Replaced by 1780
Higham Ferrers (seat 1/1) Frederick Montagu
Hindon (seat 1/2) Lloyd Kenyon
Hindon (seat 2/2) Nathaniel William Wraxall
Honiton (seat 1/2) Sir George Yonge, Bt
Honiton (seat 2/2) Alexander Macleod – election void. Replaced by Jacob Wilkinson 1781
Horsham (seat 1/2) Viscount Lewisham – died. Replaced by Sir George Osborn, Bt 1780
Horsham (seat 2/2) James Wallace – died. Replaced by 1783
Huntingdon (seat 1/2) George Wombwell – died. Hugh Palliser
Huntingdon (seat 2/2) Constantine John Phipps
Huntingdonshire (seat 1/2) Viscount Hinchingbrooke
Huntingdonshire (seat 2/2) The Earl Ludlow
Hythe (seat 1/2) Sir Charles Farnaby
Hythe (seat 2/2) William Evelyn
Ilchester (seat 1/2) Peregrine Cust
Ilchester (seat 2/2)
Inverness Burghs (seat 1/1) Sir Hector Munro
Inverness-shire (seat 1/1) Simon Fraser – died. Replaced by Archibald Campbell Fraser 1782
Ipswich (seat 1/2) William Wollaston
Ipswich (seat 2/2) Thomas Staunton
Kent (seat 1/2) Hon. Charles Marsham Bt
Kent (seat 2/2) Filmer Honywood
Kincardineshire (seat 1/1) Lord Adam Gordon
King's Lynn (seat 1/2) Thomas Walpole
King's Lynn (seat 2/2) Crisp Molineux
Kingston upon Hull (seat 1/2) Lord Robert Manners – died. Replaced by David Hartley 1782
Kingston upon Hull (seat 2/2) William Wilberforce
Kinross-shire (seat 1/)
Kirkcudbright Stewartry (seat 1/1) – void election. Replaced by John Gordon 1781 – result reversed. Replaced by 1782
Knaresborough (seat 1/2) Robert Boyle-Walsingham – died. Replaced by James Hare 1781
Knaresborough (seat 2/2) Viscount Duncannon
Lanarkshire (seat 1/1) Andrew Stuart
Lancashire (seat 1/2) Thomas Stanley
Lancashire (seat 2/2) Sir Thomas Egerton
Lancaster (seat 1/2) Wilson Braddyll
Lancaster (seat 2/2) Abraham Rawlinson
Launceston (seat 1/2) Viscount Cranborne – succeeded to peerage. Replaced by Hon. Charles Perceval 1780
Launceston (seat 2/2) Thomas Bowlby – resigned. Replaced by Sir John Jervis 1783
Leicester (seat 1/2) Hon. Booth Grey
Leicester (seat 2/2) John Darker – died. Replaced by Shukburgh Ashby 1784
Leicestershire (seat 1/2)
Leicestershire (seat 2/2) John Peach-Hungerford
Leominster (seat 1/2) Richard Payne Knight
Leominster (seat 2/2) John Bateman, Viscount Bateman
Lewes (seat 1/2)
Lewes (seat 2/2) Thomas Gilbert
Lichfield (seat 1/2) George Adams (later Anson)
Lichfield (seat 2/2)
Lincoln (seat 1/2) Sir Thomas Clarges, Bt – died. Replaced by John Fenton-Cawthorne 1783
Lincoln (seat 2/2) Robert Vyner
Lincolnshire (seat 1/2) SirJohn Thorold
Lincolnshire (seat 2/2) Charles Anderson-Pelham
Linlithgow Burghs (seat 1/1) Sir John Moore
Linlithgowshire (seat 1/1) Sir William Cunynghame
Liskeard (seat 1/2) Wilbraham Tollemache
Liskeard (seat 2/2) Samuel Salt
Liverpool (seat 1/2) Bamber Gascoyne
Liverpool (seat 2/2) Henry Rawlinson
London (City of) (seat 1/4) John Kirkman – died. Replaced by John Sawbridge 1780
London (City of) (seat 2/4) Frederick Bull – died. Replaced by Brook Watson
London (City of) (seat 3/4)
London (City of) (seat 4/4) George Hayley – died. Replaced by Sir Watkin Lewes 1781
Lostwithiel (seat 1/2) Hon. John St. John – sat for Newport. Replaced by Commodore George Johnstone 1780
Lostwithiel (seat 2/2) Hon. Thomas de Grey – succeeded to peerage. Replaced by Viscount Malden 1781
Ludgershall (seat 1/2) George Augustus Selwyn
Ludgershall (seat 2/2) Peniston Lamb
Ludlow (seat 1/2) Frederick Cornewall – died. Replaced by 1783
Ludlow (seat 2/2) The Lord Clive
Lyme Regis (seat 1/2) – double return. Replaced by Hon. Henry Fane 1781
Lyme Regis (seat 2/2) Henry Harford – double return. Replaced by David Robert Michel 1781
Lymington (seat 1/2) Thomas Dummer – died. Replaced by Edward Gibbon 1781
Lymington (seat 2/2) Harry Burrard
Maidstone (seat 1/2) Sir Horatio Mann
Maidstone (seat 2/2) Clement Taylor
Maldon (seat 1/2) John StruttTory
Maldon (seat 2/2) Eliab Harvey
Malmesbury (seat 1/2) Viscount Lewisham – sat for Staffordshire. Replaced by 1780
Malmesbury (seat 2/2) Viscount Fairford
Malton (seat 1/2) Savile Finch – Resigned. Replaced by Edmund Burke 1780
Malton (seat 2/2) William Weddell
Marlborough (seat 1/2) The Earl of Courtown
Marlborough (seat 2/2)
Merionethshire (seat 1/1) Evan Lloyd Vaughan
Middlesex (seat 1/2) John Wilkes Radical
Middlesex (seat 2/2) George Byng
Midhurst (seat 1/2) Hon. John St John – sat for Newport. Replaced by Sir Sampson Gideon 1780
Midhurst (seat 2/2) Hon. Henry Drummond
Milborne Port (seat 1/2)
Milborne Port (seat 2/2) – resigned. Replaced by John Pennington 1781
Minehead (seat 1/2) Francis Fownes Luttrell resigned. Replaced by Henry Beaufoy 1783
Minehead (seat 2/2) John Fownes Luttrell
Mitchell (seat 1/2) Hon. William Hanger
Mitchell (seat 2/2) Francis Hale
Monmouth Boroughs (seat 1/1) John Stepney
Monmouthshire (seat 1/2) John Morgan
Monmouthshire (seat 2/2) John Hanbury
Montgomery (seat 1/1) Whitshed Keene
Montgomeryshire (seat 1/1) William Mostyn Owen
Morpeth (seat 1/2) Anthony Morris Storer
Morpeth (seat 2/2) Peter Delmé
Nairnshire (seat 0/0) Alternating seat with Cromartyshire. No representation in 1780
Newark (seat 1/2) Lord George Manners-Sutton – died. Replaced by John Manners-Sutton 1783
Newark (seat 2/2) Henry Clinton
Newcastle-under-Lyme (seat 1/2) George Leveson-Gower, Viscount Trentham
Newcastle-under-Lyme (seat 2/2) Sir Archibald Macdonald
Newcastle-upon-Tyne (seat 1/2) Andrew Robinson Stoney-Bowes
Newcastle-upon-Tyne (seat 2/2) Sir Matthew White Ridley, Bt
Newport (Cornwall) (seat 1/2) Viscount Maitland
Newport (Cornwall) (seat 2/2) John Coghill
Newport (Isle of Wight) (seat 1/2) Sir Richard Worsley
Newport (Isle of Wight) (seat 2/2) Hon. John St. John
New Radnor Boroughs (seat 1/1) John Lewis – unseated on petition. Replaced by Edward Lewis 1781
New Romney (seat 1/2) Sir Edward Dering, Bt
New Romney (seat 2/2) Richard Jackson
New Shoreham (seat 1/2) Sir Cecil Bisshopp
New Shoreham (seat 2/2) John Peachey
Newton (Lancashire) (seat 1/2) Thomas Peter Legh
Newton (Lancashire) (seat 2/2)
Newtown (Isle of Wight) (seat 1/2) Edward Meux Worsley – died. Replaced by Henry Dundas 1782 – resigned. Replaced by Richard Pepper Arden 1783
Newtown (Isle of Wight) (seat 2/2) Sir John Barrington, Bt
New Windsor (seat 1/2) John Montagu
New Windsor (seat 2/2)
New Woodstock (seat 1/2) Viscount Parker
New Woodstock (seat 2/2) William Eden
Norfolk (seat 1/2) Sir Edward Astley, Bt
Norfolk (seat 2/2) Thomas Coke
Northallerton (seat 1/2) Daniel Lascelles – resigned. Replaced by Edwin Lascelles 1780
Northallerton (seat 2/2) Henry Peirse (younger)
Northampton (seat 1/2) Viscount Althorp – resigned. Replaced by The Lord Lucan 1782
Northampton (seat 2/2) George Rodney
Northamptonshire (seat 1/2) Lucy Knightley
Northamptonshire (seat 2/2) Thomas Powys
Northumberland (seat 1/2) Lord Algernon Percy
Northumberland (seat 2/2) Sir William Middleton, Bt
Norwich (seat 1/2) Harbord Harbord
Norwich (seat 2/2) Edward Bacon
Nottingham (seat 1/2) Daniel Coke
Nottingham (seat 2/2) Robert Smith
Nottinghamshire (seat 1/2) Lord Edward Bentinck
Nottinghamshire (seat 2/2) Charles Medows. (Charles Pierrepont)
Okehampton (seat 1/2) Richard Vernon
Okehampton (seat 2/2) Humphrey Minchin
Old Sarum (seat 1/2) Pinckney Wilkinson – died. Replaced by George Hardinge 1784
Old Sarum (seat 2/2) Thomas Pitt (the younger) – raised to the peerage. Replaced by The Hon. John Villiers 1784
Orford (seat 1/2) Viscount Beauchamp
Orford (seat 2/2) Hon. Robert Seymour-Conway
Orkney and Shetland (seat 1/1) Robert Baikie – unseated on petition. Replaced by Charles Dundas 1781
Oxford (seat 1/2) Lord Robert Spencer
Oxford (seat 2/2) Captain the Hon. Peregrine Bertie
Oxfordshire (seat 1/2) Lord Charles Spencer Whig
Oxfordshire (seat 2/2) Viscount Wenman
Oxford University (seat 1/2) Francis Page
Oxford University (seat 2/2) Sir William Dolben, Bt
Peeblesshire (seat 1/1) Alexander Murray I – resigned. Replaced by Alexander Murray II 1783
Pembroke Boroughs (seat 1/1) Hugh Owen IIIWhig
Pembrokeshire (seat 1/1) Hugh Owen
Penryn (seat 1/2) Sir Francis Basset
Penryn (seat 2/2) John Rogers – took office. Replaced by Reginald Pole Carew 1782
Perth Burghs (seat 1/1) George Dempster
Perthshire (seat 1/1) James Murray
Peterborough (seat 1/2) Richard Benyon
Peterborough (seat 2/2) Whig
Petersfield (seat 1/2) William Jolliffe
Petersfield (seat 2/2) Thomas Samuel Jolliffe
Plymouth (seat 1/2) Sir Frederick Rogers
Plymouth (seat 2/2) Vice Admiral George Darby
Plympton Erle (seat 1/2) Viscount Cranborne – succeeded to peerage. Replaced by Hon. James Stuart 1780
Plympton Erle (seat 2/2) Sir Ralph Payne
Pontefract (seat 1/2) William Nedham
Pontefract (seat 2/2) Viscount Galway – resigned. Replaced by Nathaniel Smith 1783 – results reversed. Replaced by John Smyth 1783
Poole (seat 1/2) Joseph Gulston
Poole (seat 2/2) William Morton Pitt
Portsmouth (seat 1/2) Hon. Robert Monckton – died. Replaced by Sir Henry Fetherstonhaugh, Bt 1782
Portsmouth (seat 2/2) Sir William Gordon – pensioned. Replaced by Hon. Thomas Erskine 1783
Preston (seat 1/2) John Burgoyne
Preston (seat 2/2) Sir Harry Hoghton, Bt
Queenborough (seat 1/2) Sir Charles Frederick
Queenborough (seat 2/2) Sir Walter Rawlinson
Radnorshire (seat 1/1) Thomas Johnes
Reading (seat 1/2) John Dodd – died. Replaced by Richard Aldworth-Neville 1782
Reading (seat 2/2) Francis Annesley
Reigate (seat 1/2) Charles Cocks
Reigate (seat 2/2) John Yorke
Renfrewshire (seat 1/1) – resigned. Replaced by 1783
Richmond (Yorkshire) (seat 1/2) Marquess of Graham
Richmond (Yorkshire) (seat 2/2) Sir Lawrence Dundas, Bt – sat for Edinburgh. Replaced by George Fitzwilliam 1781
Ripon (seat 1/2) William Aislabie – died. Replaced by William Lawrence 1781
Ripon (seat 2/2) Frederick Robinson
Rochester (seat 1/2) George Finch-Hatton
Rochester (seat 2/2) Robert Gregory
Ross-shire (seat 1/1) John Mackenzie
Roxburghshire (seat 1/1) Sir Gilbert Elliot
Rutland (seat 1/2) Thomas Noel
Rutland (seat 2/2) George Bridges Brudenell
Rye (seat 1/2) Hon. Thomas Onslow
Rye (seat 2/2) William Dickinson
St Albans (seat 1/2)
St Albans (seat 2/2) John Radcliffe – died. Replaced by The Viscount Grimston 1783
St Germans (seat 1/2) Edward James Eliot
St Germans (seat 2/2) Dudley Long
St Ives (seat 1/2) William Praed
St Ives (seat 2/2) Abel Smith
St Mawes (seat 1/2) Viscount Clare
St Mawes (seat 2/2) Hugh Boscawen
Salisbury (seat 1/2) Hon. William Henry Bouverie
Salisbury (seat 2/2) William Hussey
Saltash (seat 1/2) Grey Cooper
Saltash (seat 2/2) Charles Jenkinson
Sandwich (seat 1/2) Philip Stephens
Sandwich (seat 2/2) Sir Richard Sutton
Scarborough (seat 1/2) Earl of Tyrconnell
Scarborough (seat 2/2) Charles Phipps
Seaford (seat 1/2) John Durand
Seaford (seat 2/2) John Robinson – sat for Harwich. Replaced by Christopher D'Oyly 1780
Selkirkshire (seat 1/1) John Pringle
Shaftesbury (seat 1/2) Sir Thomas Rumbold – unseated on petition. Replaced by Hans Winthrop Mortimer 1781
Shaftesbury (seat 2/2) Sir Francis Sykes
Shrewsbury (seat 1/2) William Pulteney
Shrewsbury (seat 2/2) Sir Charlton Leighton
Shropshire (seat 1/2) Noel Hill
Shropshire (seat 2/2) Sir Richard Hill
Somerset (seat 1/2) Sir John Trevelyan, Bt
Somerset (seat 2/2) Richard Hippisley Coxe
Southampton (seat 1/2) John Fuller
Southampton (seat 2/2) Hans Sloane
Southwark (seat 1/2) Nathaniel Polhill – died. Replaced by Henry Thornton 1782
Southwark (seat 2/2) Sir Richard Hotham
Stafford (seat 1/2) Edward Monckton
Stafford (seat 2/2) Richard Brinsley Sheridan
Staffordshire (seat 1/2) Viscount Lewisham
Staffordshire (seat 2/2) Captain (Sir) John Wrottesley
Stamford (seat 1/2) Sir George Howard
Stamford (seat 2/2) Henry Cecil
Steyning (seat 1/2) Sir Thomas Skipwith
Steyning (seat 2/2) Filmer Honywood – sat for Kent. Replaced by Colonel John Bullock 1780
Stirling Burghs (seat 1/1)
Stirlingshire (seat 1/1) Sir Thomas Dundas Pro-Admin Whig
Stockbridge (seat 1/2) Lieutenant the Hon. James Luttrell
Stockbridge (seat 2/2) Captain the Hon. John Luttrell
Sudbury (seat 1/2) Sir Patrick Blake, Bt
Sudbury (seat 2/2) Philip Champion Crespigny – unseated on petition. Replaced by Sir James Marriott 1781
Suffolk (seat 1/2) Sir Charles Bunbury, Bt
Suffolk (seat 2/2) Sir John Rous, Bt
Surrey (seat 1/2) Admiral the Hon. Augustus Keppel – ennobled. Replaced by Viscount Althorp 1782 –succeeded to peerage. Replaced by Sir Robert Clayton 1783
Surrey (seat 2/2) Sir Joseph Mawbey, Bt
Sussex (seat 1/2) Thomas Pelham
Sussex (seat 2/2) Lord George Henry Lennox
Sutherland (seat 1/1) James Wemyss
Tain Burghs (seat 1/1)
Tamworth (seat 1/2) John Courtenay
Tamworth (seat 2/2) Anthony Chamier – died. Replaced by John Calvert 1780
Taunton (seat 1/2) John Halliday
Taunton (seat 2/2) – died. Replaced by (Sir) Benjamin Hammet 1782
Tavistock (seat 1/2) Richard Rigby Whig
Tavistock (seat 2/2) Hon. Richard Fitzpatrick
Tewkesbury (seat 1/2) James Martin
Tewkesbury (seat 2/2) Sir William Codrington, Bt
Thetford (seat 1/2) Richard Hopkins
Thetford (seat 2/2) Charles FitzRoy-Scudamore – resigned. Replaced by Earl of Euston 1782
Thirsk (seat 1/2) Sir Thomas Gascoigne
Thirsk (seat 2/2) Beilby Thompson
Tiverton (seat 1/2) John Eardley Wilmot
Tiverton (seat 2/2) John Duntze
Totnes (seat 1/2) Philip Jennings
Totnes (seat 2/2) Launcelot Brown
Tregony (seat 1/2) John Stephenson
Tregony (seat 2/2)
Truro (seat 1/2) – died. Replaced by John Pollexfen Bastard 1783 – resigned. Replaced by Sir John St Aubyn, Bt 1784
Truro (seat 2/2) Bamber Gascoyne
Wallingford (seat 1/2) Chaloner Arcedeckne
Wallingford (seat 2/2) John Aubrey
Wareham (seat 1/2) John Boyd
Wareham (seat 2/2)
Warwick (seat 1/2) Hon. Charles Greville
Warwick (seat 2/2) Robert Ladbroke
Warwickshire (seat 1/2) Sir Robert Lawley, Bt
Warwickshire (seat 2/2) Sir George Shuckburgh, Bt
Wells (seat 1/2) Robert Child – died. Replaced by John Curtis 1782
Wells (seat 2/2) Clement Tudway
Wendover (seat 1/2) Richard Smith
Wendover (seat 2/2)
Wenlock (seat 1/2) Sir Henry Bridgeman
Wenlock (seat 2/2) Thomas Whitmore – sat for Bridgnorth. Replaced by George Forester 1780
Weobley (seat 1/2) Andrew Bayntun-Rolt
Weobley (seat 2/2) John St Leger Douglas – died. Vacated seat and replaced by (Sir) John Scott 1783
Westbury (seat 1/2)
Westbury (seat 2/2) Samuel Estwick
West Looe (seat 1/2) Sir William James – died. Replaced by John Buller 1784
West Looe (seat 2/2) John Buller – resigned. Replaced by John Somers Cocks 1782
Westminster (seat 1/2) George Brydges Rodney – ennobled. Replaced by Sir Cecil Wray, Bt 1782
Westminster (seat 2/2) Charles James Fox
Westmorland (seat 1/2) James Lowther
Westmorland (seat 2/2) Sir Michael le Fleming
Weymouth and Melcombe Regis (seat 1/4) Welbore Ellis
Weymouth and Melcombe Regis (seat 2/4) William Chaffin Grove – resigned. Replaced by 1781
Weymouth and Melcombe Regis (seat 3/4) John Purling
Weymouth and Melcombe Regis (seat 4/4) – resigned as ineligible. Replaced by Gabriel Steward 1780
Whitchurch (seat 1/2) The Viscount Midleton Whig
Whitchurch (seat 2/2) Thomas Townshend – ennobled. Replaced by William Selwyn 1783
Wigan (seat 1/2) Hon. Horatio Walpole
Wigan (seat 2/2) Henry Simpson Bridgeman – died. Replaced by 1782
Wigtown Burghs (seat 1/1) William Adam
Wigtownshire (seat 1/1) Keith Stewart
Wilton (seat 1/2) Lord Herbert
Wilton (seat 2/2) William Gerard Hamilton
Wiltshire (seat 1/2) Charles Penruddocke
Wiltshire (seat 2/2) Ambrose Goddard
Winchelsea (seat 1/2) Charles Wolfran Cornwall
Winchelsea (seat 2/2)
Winchester (seat 1/2) Henry Penton
Winchester (seat 2/2) Lovell Stanhope – died. Replaced by Henry Flood 1783
Wootton Bassett (seat 1/2) Hon. Henry St John
Wootton Bassett (seat 2/2) William Strahan
Worcester (seat 1/2) William Ward
Worcester (seat 2/2) Thomas Bates Rous
Worcestershire (seat 1/2) Edward Foley
Worcestershire (seat 2/2) William Lygon
Yarmouth (Isle of Wight) (seat 1/2) Edward Morant
Yarmouth (Isle of Wight) (seat 2/2) Edward Rushworth – resigned. Replaced by Sir Thomas Rumbold 1781
York (seat 1/2) Charles Turner – died. Replaced by The Viscount Galway 1783
York (seat 2/2) Lord John Cavendish
Yorkshire (seat 1/2) Henry Duncombe
Yorkshire (seat 2/2) Sir George Savile – resigned. Replaced by 1784
See also
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