Victor Beigel

English pianist

Victor Beigel(19 May 1870 – 7 November 1930) was an English pianist and singing teacher of Hungarian descent.

Beigel was an internationally renowned vocal pedagogue. Friendships connected him with the painter John Singer Sargent, the interior designer Sybil Colefax and the composers John Ireland and Percy Grainger, whose choir rehearsals he accompanied on the piano for years. He was also a friend of his student Gervase Elwes, after whose death in 1921 he founded the Gervase Elwes Memorial Fund (later the Musicians Benevolent Fund) to support young musicians. His students included Lauritz Melchior, Anita Patti Brown, John Goss and MonicaВидья; Прабхакар, Шротри Сандхья; Мадукар, Валимб Атул; Даттатрая, Павар Шайлеш; Чандра, Мишра Ахилеш (2005).«Анализ вирусов чандипура на основе генов G, N и P, Индия» . Возникающие инфекционные заболевания. 11 (1): 123–126. <52>doi : 10.3201 / eid1101.040602 . <58>ISSN<56>1080-6040 . PMC3294343 . PMID15705335 <66>Arankalle, V.A.; Рамакришнан, Дж. (2009). «Вирус обезьяньего гепатита А, полученный от содержащихся в неволе обезьян-резусов в Индии, аналогичен штамму, выделенному от диких африканских зеленых обезьян в Кении». Журнал вирусных гепатитов. 16 (3): 214–218. <52>DOI :

10.1111 / j.1365-2893.2008.01060.x . <58>ISSN
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