Американский кокер-спаниель


Порода собак
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Другие именаКокер-спаниель (в США), кокер, веселый кокер.
Шерстьсредней длины, толстая, длинная
ОкрасБелый, черный, коричневый, подпалый, серый, красный, палевый
Стандарты кинологического клуба
Американский кинологический клуб стандарт
FCI стандарт
Собака (домашняя собака )

Американский кокер-спаниель - это порода спортивных собак. Это собака спаниеля типа, тесно связана с английским кокер-спаниелем ; эти две породы разошлись в течение 20-го века из-за разницы в стандартах породы в США и Великобритании. В Соединенных Штатах порода обычно называется кокер-спаниель, хотя повсюду в мире его называют американским кокер-спаниелем, чтобы отличить его от его старшего английского кузена. Обычно считается, что слово кокер происходит от их используют для охоты на вальдшнепа в Англии, тогда как считается, что спаниель произошел от происхождения породы в Испании.

Первый спаниель в Америке познакомился с Mayflower в 1620 году, но только в 1878 году первый кокер-спаниель был зарегистрирован в Американском клубе собаководства ( AKC). Три года спустя был создан национальный клуб породы, и собака стала отцом современной породы Ch. Обо II родился примерно в это время. К 1920-м годам английская и американская разновидности кокера стали заметно отличаться друг от друга, и в 1946 году AKC признал английский тип отдельной породой. Лишь в 1970 году Клуб собаководов в Великобритании признал американского кокер-спаниеля отдельным от английского типа. Американский кокер был самой популярной породой в Соединенных Штатах в 1940-х и 1950-х, а затем и в 1980-х, правившей в общей сложности 18 лет. Они такжеCarmor's Rise and Shine. The popularity ofthe American Cocker increased once again in the 1980s with it becoming the most popular breed again from 1984 until 1990. In more recent years the popularity of the breed has decreased, with it ranked 15th most popular by the American Kennel Club in 2005. The breeds most recent victory came in 2017 when it won the best in show title at Crufts.

American Cocker Spaniels have had several links to the United States Presidency. In 1952, an American Cocker Spaniel became a household name when United States Senator Richard Nixon made his Checkers speech on September 23. A parti-colored American Cocker Spaniel named Dot was one of several dogs owned by Rutherford B. Hayes ; and a buff colored dog named Feller caused a scandal for Harry S. Truman when the dog was received as an unwanted gift with the President subsequently giving it away to a White House physician. More recently, a Cocker named Zeke lived with Bill Clinton while he was the governor of Arkansas.

A black American Cocker Spaniel.

The American Cocker Spaniel is the smallest dog recognized by the American Kennel Club as a sporting dog, being on average between 13.5 and 15.5 inches (34 and 39 cm) high at the withers. It is a dog of normal proportions, with medium long silky fur on the body and ears, hanging down on the legs and belly (known as feathering). The head has an upturned nose and the ears hang down. The breed standard states that size over 15.5 inches (39 cm) inches for males and 14.5 inches (37 cm) for females is a disqualification at conformation shows. American Cocker Spaniels weigh around 24 to 30 pounds (11 to 14 kg) on average, with females of the breed usually weighing slightly less than the males.

The head of an American Cocker Spaniel makes the breed immediately recognizable, with the rounded dome of the skull, well-pronounced stop, and a square shaped l ip. The drop ears are long, low set, with long silky fur, and the eyes are dark, large, and rounded. The nose can be black or brown depending on the color of the breed.

The coat of the breed come in a variety of shades with the colors being separated into three main groups: black/black and tan, any solid color other than black (ASCOB), and parti-color. The black variety is either all black, or with tan points on the dog's head, the feet and the tail in a pattern called black and tan. The group known as ASCOB includes all other solid colors from light cream through to dark red, although some lighter coloring is allowed on the feathering according to standards. Parti-colored dogs are white with patches of another color such as black or brown, and includes any roan colored dogs. In addition, American Cockers coats can come in a pattern known as merle, which is not recognized by the American Kennel Club.

American Cockers have rounder eyes, a domed skull, shorter muzzle and more clearly pronounced eyebrows than the English Cockers, whose head is more setter-like. In colors, the roan colors are rarer in the American variety than in the English but the shade of buff which is common in the American is not seen in the English breed at all, although there are English Cocker Spaniels which are considered to be a shade of red. The English breed is also slightly larger, being between 14.5–15.5 inches (37–39 cm) in height.


An American cocker spaniel.

Known as the "Merry Cocker", the American Cocker Spaniel breed standard defines the ideal dog of the breed as being "equable in temperament with no suggestion of timidity." The breed ranks 20th in Stanley Coren 's The Intelligence of Dogs, a rating that indicates good"Working or Obedience Intelligence", or trainability. IQ tests run on a variety of breeds in the 1950s and 1960s showed that the American Cocker performed the best when tested on its ability to show restraint and delayed response to a trigger, a trait which was put down to the breed's bred-in ability when hunting to freeze upon finding a bird before flushing it out on command. However, they proved to be the worst breed tested when it came to manipulating objects with their paws, for instance uncovering a dish of food or pulling on a string.

With a good level of socialization at an early age, an American Cocker can get along with people, children, other dogs and other pets. This breed seems to have a perpetually wagging tail and prefers to be around people; it is not best suited to the backyard alone. Cockers can be easily stressed by loud noises and by rough treatment or handling.

Members of the breed were originally used as hunting dogs, but increased in popularity as a show dog. It was bred more and more in conformation with the breed standard, resulting in certain attributes, such as a long coat, which no longer make it an ideal working dog.

An American Cocker Spaniel puppy. An American Cocker Spaniel used as a hunting dog.

American Cocker Spaniels in UK and USA/Canada surveys had a median lifespan of about 10 to 11 years, which is on the low end of the typical range for purebred dogs, and one to two years less than other breeds of their size. The larger English Cocker Spaniel typically lives about a year longer than the American Cocker Spaniel. In a 2004 UK Kennel Club survey, the most common causes of death were cancer (23%), old age (20%), cardiac (8%), and immune-mediated (8%). In a 2003 USA/Canada Health Survey with a smaller sample size, the leading causes of death were cancer, hepatic disease, and immune-mediated.

American Cockers previously highpopularity resulted in the breed frequently beingbred by backyard breeders or in puppy mills. This indiscriminate breeding has increased the proliferation of breed related health issues in certain bloodlines.

American Cocker Spaniels are susceptible to a variety of illnesses, particularly infections affecting their ears and, in some cases, their eyes. Although the number or percent of afflicted dogs is not known, progressive retinal atrophy (PRA), glaucoma, and cataracts have been identified in some members of the breed. The American Spaniel Club recommends annual eye exams by a veterinary ophthalmologist for all dogs that are to be used for breeding. Autoimmune problems in Cockers have also been identified in an unknown number or percent of the breed, including autoimmune hemolytic anemia (AIHA). Ear inflammations are common in drop-eared breeds of dog, including the American Cocker, and luxating patellas and hip dysplasia have been identified in some members of the breed.

Heart conditions such as dilated cardiomyopathy, where the heart becomes weakened and enlarged, and sick sinus syndrome, which is a type of abnormal heart beating which causes low blood pressure, have been identified in the breed. Phosphofructokinase deficiency is a condition caused by a recessive gene in the breed which prevents the metabolism of glucose into energy, causing the dog to have extremely low energy and be unable to exercise. The gene which causes this appears in around 10 percent of the population, but DNA testing can prevent two carrier dogs from breeding and thus creating puppies with this condition.

American Cockers are also prone to canine epilepsy and the related condition known as Rage Syndrome. The latter is a form of epilepsy which can cause a normally placid dog to engage in sudden and unprovoked violent attacks. Initial research shows that both conditions appear to be inheritable.

In popular culture
  • The film Lady and the Tramp features the character Lady who is an American Cocker Spaniel.
  • Trilby from the Australian-American TV series Raggs is an American Cocker Spaniel.
External links
Wikimedia Commons has media related to American Cocker Spaniel.
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