Таблицы синглов и альбомов Шотландии

Музыкальные диаграммы Шотландии, Великобритания

Таблица продаж синглов Шотландии и Таблица продаж шотландских альбомов - это диаграммы, составленные Official Charts Company на основе физических и цифровых продаж в Шотландии. Таблица продаж шотландских синглов и Таблица продаж шотландских альбомов - это региональные списки, которые показывают, как в UK Singles Chart и UK Albums Chart попадают из Шотландии. В настоящее время эти графики основаны только на платных продажах, поэтому с ростом потоковой передачи они отражают лишь меньшую часть потребления музыки в Шотландии.

  • 1 История
  • 2 Числовые единицы
    • 2,1 1994
    • 2,2 1995
    • 2,3 1996
    • 2,4 1997
    • 2,5 1998
    • 2,6 1999
    • 2,7 2000
    • 2,8 2001
    • 2,9 2002
    • 2,10 2003
    • 2,11 2004
    • 2,12 2005
    • 2,13 2006
    • 2,14 2007
    • 2,15 2008
    • 2,16 2009
    • 2,17 2010
    • 2,18 2011
    • 2,19 2012
    • 2,20 2013
    • 2,21 2014
    • 2,22 2015
    • 2,23 2016
    • 2,24 2017
    • 2,25 2018
    • 2,26 2019
    • 2,27 2020
  • 3 Примечания
  • 4 Ссылки
  • 5 Внешние ссылки

В конце 1970-х - начале 1980-х журналы Radio Record News и Record Business составляли шотландские чарты, которые транслировались на <2112 г.>Независимое местное радио, например, Radio Clyde и Radio Forth ; они особенно хорошо относились к хард-року, панку и новой волне, в то время как соул и другие "черные" стили оказались менее успешными; например, 23 июня 1978 г. Radio Record News поместило Heatwave на 15-е место в Великобритании, но на 40-е место в Шотландии, The O'Jays на 21-е место в Великобритании, но не на в шотландском Top 40 и Боб Марли на 26-м месте в Великобритании, но не в шотландском Top 40, а на AC / DC на 38-м месте в Великобритании и 20-м в Шотландии, The Clash под номером 62 по всей Великобритании и под номером 22 в Шотландии, и The Vibrators под номером 65 по всей Великобритании, но под номером 39 в Шотландии.

В конце 1980-е годы, когда в Шотландии росло разочарование воспринимаемой изоляцией от правительства Тэтчер, было оказано давление с целью создания официальной шотландской карты; Брайан Гатри из Шотландской ассоциации звукозаписывающих компаний заявил, что в официальных британских чартах шотландских исполнителей не так много продаж, поскольку они не опрашивали достаточное количество магазинов в Шотландии, ссылаясь на «You Have Got the Power» Вин Вин "(музыкальная тема из рекламы McEwan's Lager ) в качестве примера, и месяц исследований выявил значительные отличия от британских чартов, причем инди песни продаются особенно хорошо. Осенью того же года SRIA проголосовало за создание своей собственной диаграммы, предположив, что баланс между 75 магазинами возврата карт в Большом Лондоне и 45 в Шотландии был несправедливым. Хотя шотландский чарт транслировался по BBC Radio Scotland заранее, первые официальные шотландские чарты были опубликованы 17 марта 1991 г.; в частности, они поместили шотландскую группу The Silencers на 6 место в чарте альбомов (только номер 39 по всей Великобритании) и альбом The Simpsons 'выше, чем альбом Inspector Morse Саундтрек, который был на 11 мест выше по всей Великобритании. Запуск этого чарта был объявлен Нилом Россом из Шотландской ассоциации звукозаписывающей индустрии, который снова предположил, что чарты Великобритании непропорционально склонны к продажам в Лондоне и на юге Англии, в то время как музыкальный менеджер Брюс Финдли предположил, что Шотландия потенциально может производить музыку. Телесериал, пользующийся такой же международной популярностью, как популярный в то время сериал DEF II Rapido. С 20 сентября 1991 года короткая еженедельная телепрограмма, основанная на шотландском чарте, транслировалась BBC1 Scotland по вечерам пятницы, ведущая Ники Кэмпбелл, затем Radio 1 и чарт продолжал транслироваться по понедельникам вечером на BBC Radio Scotland. Песня Фрэнки Миллера «Caledonia », также включенная в рекламу Макьюэна, которая была показана только в Шотландии и Северной Ирландия возглавила чарт Шотландии, будучи лишь незначительным хитом в Великобритании. Неофициальный Scottish Network Chart также был взят шотландскими коммерческими станциями, в том числе Radio Tay, в начале 1990-х.

Архивы на сайте Official Charts Company возвращаются к Февраль 1994 года, когда Миллуорд Браун стал составителем диаграмм, и число розничных торговцев, отобранных по всей Великобритании, увеличилось. После этого перезапуска Scottish Television запустило шоу, основанное на официальном шотландском чарте, под названием Chart Bite. До 2000 года в шотландскую диаграмму альбомов входили альбомы, подходящие только для таблицы сборников альбомов на уровне Великобритании.

Как составлялись британские и шотландские чарты, несколько раз расходились с 1994 года. В то время как цифровые загрузки были включены в британский чарт синглов с июля 2005 года и альбомы с апреля 2006 года, шотландские чарты оставались физическими продажами только до неделя, закончившаяся 10 октября 2009 г., когда наконец были включены цифровые продажи. Это привело к тому, что два графика составлялись в одну линию в течение почти пяти лет до недели, закончившейся 6 июля 2014 года, когда потоковая передача была включена в чарт синглов Великобритании. Позже потоковая передача была включена в чарт альбомов Великобритании за неделю, закончившуюся 1 марта 2015 года. По состоянию на 2020 год шотландские чарты по-прежнему соответствуют только цифровым и физическим продажам, поэтому представляют лишь меньшую часть потребления музыки в Шотландии.

Число единиц


27 февраля"Без тебя "Мэрайя Кэри Музыкальная шкатулка Мэрайя Кэри
6 марта
13 марта"Дуп "Дуп Пройдите по шоссе Проклаймеры
20 мартаВоксхолл и я Моррисси
27 мартаEnergy Rush: 7th HeavenРазличные художники
3 апреля"Все меняется "Take That Наш город - Величайшие хиты Дикон Блю
10 апреля
17 апреля"Настоящая вещь "Тони Ди Барт
24 апреля"Любовь Кругом "Влажно Влажно Влажно Я говорю, я говорю Я говорю Erasure
1 мая
8 мая
15 мая
22 мая
29 маяTop GearРазные артисты
5 июня
12 июня
19 июня
26 июня
3 июля
10 июляТанцы Зона - второй уровень
17 июляКонец первой части: их лучшие хиты Wet Wet Wet
24 июля
31 июля
7 августаВот что я называю музыкой! 28 Разные артисты
14 августа
21 августа
28 августа
4 сентябряОпределенно возможно Oasis
11 сентября"Субботняя ночь "Вигфилд Лучший рок-альбом в мире... Всегда!Различные исполнители
18 сентября
25 сентября
2 октябряMonster REM
9 октября"Конечно "Take That
16 октябряCross Road Бон Джови
23 октября«Субботняя ночь»Whigfield
30 Октябрь"Baby Come Back "Пато Бэнтон с участием Али и Робина Кэмпбелла
6 ноябряThe Greatest Hits INXS
13 ноябряCross RoadBon Jovi
20 ноября"Another Night "(MC Sar ) Настоящий Маккой Вот что я называю Музыка! 29 Разные артисты
27 ноября"Распространение любви "Каменные розы
4 декабря"Останься еще одним днем ​​ "Восток 17
11 декабря
18 декабряПродолжайте чарты: The Best of the Beautiful South The Beautiful South
25 декабря


1 января"Cotton Eye Joe "Rednex Продолжение чартов: The Best of the Beautiful South The Beautiful South
8 Январь
15 января
22 января
29 январяЛучший панк-альбом в мире... Когда-либо!Разные исполнители
5 февраля"Подумай дважды "Селин Дион Хорошие новости из загробного мира Простые умы
12 февраляЦвет моей любви Селин Дион
19 февраля
26 февраля
5 мартаGreatest Hits Брюс Спрингстин
12 мартаМедуза Энни Леннокс
19 марта"Любовь может построить мост "Шер, Крисси Хайнд и Нене Черри с Эриком Клэптоном Elastica Elastica
26 марта"Не останавливайтесь (Wiggle Wiggle) "The Outhere Братья Цвет моей любвиСелин Дион
2 апреля"Назад навсегда "Take That Лучшие хитыБрюс Спрингстин
16 апреляПредставьте это Wet Wet Wet
23 апреляВот это я называю музыкой! 30 Разные артисты
30 апреля"Some Might Say "Oasis
7 маяНикто другой Take That
14 мая"Unchained Melody " / "(Там будут синие птицы) Белые скалы Дувра "Робсон и Джером
21 маяСтэнли-роуд Пол Веллер
28 маяOn a Dance Tip 2Разные артисты
4 июняPulse Pink Floyd
11 июня"Держи меня, волнуй меня, поцелуй меня, убей меня "U2
18 Июнь«Освобожденная мелодия» / «(Там будут голубые птицы) Белые скалы Дувра»Робсон и ДжеромИСТОРИЯ: Прошлое, настоящее и будущее, Книга I Майкл Джексон
25 июняЭти дни Бон Джови
2 июляПрайд: Самое лучшее из ШотландииРазные артисты
9 июля"Бум Бум Бум "The Outhere Brothers
16 июля
23 июля
30 июля"Никогда не забывайте "Take That
6 августаВот что я называю Музыка! 31
13 августа
20 августа"Roll with It "Oasis
27 августа"Country House "Blur
3 сентября"Я буду там для вас "Рембрандты Шарлатаны Шарлатаны
10 сентября"Остаться в живых "N-Trance с участием Рикардо да Форса ПомощьРазные художники
17 сентябряThe Great Escape Blur
24 сентября"Fairground "Simply Red
1 октябряHeartbeat: Forever ВашРазные художники
8 октября(What the Story) Утренняя слава? Oasis
15 октябряLife Simply Red
22 октября"Я солгу для тебя (и это правда) "Мясной рулет (Что за история) Утренняя слава?Оазис
29 октября"Рай гангста "Coolio с изображением LV
5 ноября"Я верю "/" На крыше "Робсон и ДжеромДругой класс Целлюлоза
12 ноября(Что история) Утренняя слава?Оазис
19 ноябряРобсон и Джером Робсон и Джером
26 ноября
3 декабря
10 декабря"Free as a Bird "The Beatles
17 декабря"Earth Song "Майкл Джексон
24 декабря"Wonderwall "The Mike Flowers Pops
31 декабря" Earth Song »Майкл Джексон(What the Story) Morning Glory?Oasis


7 января"Earth Song "Майкл Джексон (What the Story) Morning Glory? Oasis
14 января"Иисус младенцу "Джордж Майкл
21 января"Космонавт "Вавилонский зоопарк
28 января
4 февраля
11 февраля
18 февраля"Дети "Роберт Майлз В ожидании полета Блютоны
25 февраля"Не оглядывайся в гневе "Оазис(Что за история) Утро Слава?Оазис
3 Март"Насколько глубока ваша любовь "Take That
10 марта
17 марта«Дети»Роберт МайлзПадая в вас Селин Дион
24 мартаВот что я называю музыкой! 33 Разные артисты
31 марта"Секретные материалы "Марк Сноу Greatest Hits Take That
7 апреля"Ох, ааа... Немного "Джина Джи
14 апреля
21 апреля
28 апреляДжаггед Литтл Пил Аланис Мориссетт
5 мая
12 маяСтарший Джордж Майкл
19 мая
26 мая
2 июня"Убивая меня мягко "Fugees
9 июняLoad Metallica
16 июняJagged Маленькая таблеткаАланис Мориссетт
23 июня
30 июняПовторяющийся сон: Самое лучшее из переполненного дома Переполненный дом
7 июля
14 июля
21 июля"Подражатель "Spice Girls
28 июляJagged Little PillАланис Мориссетт
4 августа"Свобода "Робби Уильямс
11 августа"Wannabe"Spice Girls
18 августаТеперь это то, что я называю музыкой! 34 Разные художники
25 августа
1 сентября"Один к другому "Шарлатаны
8 сентября"Флава "Питер Андре
15 сентября"Завтрак у Tiffany's "Deep Blue Something Новые приключения в Hi-Fi REM
22 сентябряK Кула Шейкер
29 сентября
6 октября
13 октября"Words "Boyzone Long Distance Runrig
20 октября"Скажи, что будешь там "Spice Girls
27 октябряСиний цвет Прекрасный Юг
3 ноября"Что станет с разбитым сердцем "/" Субботний вечер в кино "/" Ты никогда не пойдешь в одиночестве "Робсон и Джером Другой ритм Boyzone
10 ноябряSpice Spice Girls
17 ноября"Breathe "The Prodigy Take Two Робсон и Джером
24 ноября
1 Декабрь"One and One "Роберт Майлз с участием Марии Нейлер Теперь это то, что я называю музыкой! 35 Разные артисты
8 декабря"A Different Beat "BoyzoneSpiceSpice Girls
15 декабря"Стук в дверь рая "/" Throw This Guns Away "Данблейн
22 декабря"2 Стань 1 "Spice Girls
29 декабря


5 января"2 Стань 1 "Spice Girls Spice Spice Girls
12 Январь«Свобода 2»QFX
19 января"Скажи, что хочешь "Техас
26 января"Beetlebum "Blur Evita Оригинальная запись актеров
2 февраля"Where Do You Go "No Mercy Glow Reef
9 февраля"Discothèque "U2 White on Blonde Texas
16 февраля"Не говори "Нет сомнений
23 февраля
2 мартаПутешествие 911
9 марта"Мама / Кем вы себя считаете "Spice GirlsPop U2
16 мартаSpiceS pice Girls
23 марта
30 марта"Северный деревенский парень"Шарлатаны Вот что я называю музыкой! 36 Разные артисты
6 апреля"Bellissima "DJ Quicksilver
13 апреля"Песня 2 "Blur
20 апреля"Old Before I Die "Робби Уильямс Мать-природа зовет Актерский состав
27 апреля"Бодышакин "911Tellin 'Stories Шарлатаны
4 мая"Закон - любовь "Морские коньки Белое на блондинкеТехас
11 мая"Лавфол "Кардиганы
18 мая"Ты не одинок "Олив
25 мая"Я хочу быть единственным "Eternal с участием BeBe Winans
1 июня"MMMBop "Hanson Сделай сам Seahorses
8 июняThe Best of Bob Dylan Боб Дилан
15 июняЛучший шотландский альбом в мире... Когда-либо!Различные исполнители
22 июня"Bitter Sweet Symphony "The Verve OK Computer Radiohead
29 июня"Эквадор "Sash! с участием Родригеса Лучший шотландский альбом в мире... когда-либо!Ва буйные артисты
6 июля"Я буду скучать по тебе "Пафф Дэдди и Фейт Эванс с участием 112 The Fat of the Land The Prodigy
13 июля"Вы знаете, что я имею в виду? "Oasis
20 июляТеперь это то, что я называю музыкой! 37 Разные артисты
27 июля"Picture of You "Boyzone
3 августа«Я буду скучать по тебе»Puff Daddy Faith Эванс с участием 112
10 августа"Мужчины в черном "Уилл Смит Белое на блондинкеТехас
17 августа
24 августа"Tubthumping "Чумбавамба Будь здесь и сейчас Оазис
31 августа
7 сентября"Наркотики не работают "The Verve
14 сентября"Что-то о том, как вы Look Tonight / Свеча на ветру 1997 "Элтон Джон
21 сентябряМарш уже Цвет океана
28 сентябряBe Here NowOasis
5 октябряUrban Hymns The Verve
12 октября
19 октября"Spice Up Your Life "Spice Girls
26 октября"Barbie Girl "Aqua
2 ноября
9 ноябряSpiceworld Spice Girls
16 ноября
23 ноября"Perfect Day "Разные артистыВот что я называю l Музыка! 38 Разные артисты
30 ноября
7 декабря"Телепузики говорят: «А-а!» "Телепузики
14 декабря
21 декабряГородские гимныThe Verve
28 декабря"Too Much "Spice Girls


4 января"Perfect Day "Разные художникиГородские гимны The Verve
11 января"Never Ever "All Saints
18 января"По всему миру "Oasis
25 января«Никогда и никогда»All Saints
1 февраля"Доктор Джонс "Аква Жизнь сквозь линзу Робби Уильямс
8 февраляНезаконченное обезьянье дело Ян Браун
15 февраля"Мое сердце продолжится "Селин Дион Urban HymnsThe Verve
22 февраля"Brimful of Asha (The Norman Cook Remix) »Cornershop Титаник: Музыка из кинофильма Джеймс Хорнер
1 марта"Холодное сердце "Мадонна Плавильный котел Шарлатаны
8 марта«Мое сердце будет продолжать»Селин ДионЛуч света Мадонна
15 марта"Это похоже на то "Run-DMC vs. Джейсон Невинс
22 мартаДавайте поговорим о любви Селин Дион
29 мартаThe Best Of Джеймс
5 апреля
12 апреляВот что я называю музыкой! 39 Разные художники
19 апреля
26 апреля"All That I Need "Boyzone
3 мая"Луч света "Мадонна
10 мая"Turn Back Time "Aqua
17 мая"Feel It "Тамперер с Maya Версия 2.0 Garbage
24 маяBlue Simply Red
31 мая"C'est la Vie "B * Witched Где мы принадлежим Boyzone
7 июня"Не возвращайся домой слишком скоро "Дель Амитри Когда We Were the New Boys Род Стюарт
14 июня"Carnaval de Paris "Dario G
21 июня
28 июняСвежие хиты 98 Разные артисты
5 июля«C'est la Vie»B * Witched
12 июля
19 июля"Deeper Underground "Jamiroquai
26 июля"Viva Forever "Spice Girls Talk on Corners The Corrs
2 августаFresh Hits 98Различные исполнители
9 августа"Нет Matter What "BoyzoneВот что я называю музыкой! 40
16 августа
23 августа
30 августаГде мы принадлежимBoyzone
6 сентября
13 сентября"Millennium "Робби УильямсШляпа дождя (Лучшее из Дель Амитри) Дель Амитри
20 сентябряЭто моя правда, скажи мне твое Маниакальные проповедники
27 сентября"Rollercoast er "B*Witched
4 October
11 October"Girlfriend "Billie Hits Phil Collins
18 October"More Than a Woman "911 Quench The Beautiful South
25 October"Believe "Cher
1 NovemberI've Been Expecting You Robbie Williams
8 NovemberThe Best of 1980-1990 U2
15 NovemberLadies Gentlemen: The Best of George Michael George Michael
22 November
29 NovemberNow That's What I Call Music! 41 Various artists
6 December
13 December"To You I Belong "B*Witched
20 December"Goodbye "Spice GirlsLadies Gentlemen: The Best of George MichaelGeorge Michael
27 December"Chocolate Salty Balls (P.S. I Love You) "Chef


3 January"Heartbeat/Tragedy "Steps Step One Steps
10 January"Praise You "Fatboy Slim I've Been Expecting You Robbie Williams
17 January"A Little Bit More "911 You've Come a Long Way, Baby Fatboy Slim
24 January"Pretty Fly (for a White Guy) "The Offspring
31 January
7 February"Maria "Blondie
14 February"Protect Your Mind (For the Love of a Princess) "DJ Sakin FriendsLove SongsVarious artists
21 February"...Baby One More Time "Britney Spears Euphoria
28 February
7 March"When the Going Gets Tough "Boyzone
14 MarchPerformance and Cocktails Stereophonics
21 March13 Blur
28 March"Flat Beat "Mr. Oizo New Hits 99 Various artists
4 AprilNow That's What I Call Music! 42
11 April"Perfect Moment "Martine McCutcheon
18 April
25 April"In Our Lifetime "Texas
2 May"Why Don't You Get a Job? "The Offspring
9 May"I Want It That Way "Backstreet Boys
16 May"You Needed Me "BoyzoneThe Hush Texas
23 May
30 May"That Don't Impress Me Much "Shania Twain
6 June"Everybody's Free (To Wear Sunscreen) "Baz Luhrmann By Request Boyzone
13 June"Bring It All Back "S Club 7
20 June"Boom, Boom, Boom, Boom!! "Vengaboys
27 June"9 PM (Till I Come) "ATB Surrender The Chemical Brothers
4 JulyCome On Over Shania Twain
11 JulyBy RequestBoyzone
18 July"Love's Got a Hold on My Heart "Steps
25 July"If Ya Gettin' Down "Five Now That's What I Call Music! 43 Various artists
1 August"When You Say Nothing at All "Ronan Keating
8 August"Better Off Alone "Alice Deejay
15 AugustThe Man Who Travis
22 August"Mi Chico Latino "Geri Halliwell
29 August"Mambo No. 5 (A Little Bit Of...) "Lou Bega
5 September
12 September"We're Going to Ibiza! "VengaboysCome On OverShania Twain
19 September"Blue (Da Ba Dee) "Eiffel 65
26 SeptemberRhythm and Stealth Leftfield
3 OctoberCome On OverShania Twain
10 October"2 Times "Ann Lee
17 October
24 October
31 October"Keep On Movin' "FiveSteptacular Steps
7 November"She's the One /It's Only Us "Robbie Williams
14 November
21 November"King of My Castle "Wamdue Project
28 NovemberNow That's What I Call Music! 44 Various artists
5 December"The Millennium Prayer "Cliff Richard
12 December"Kiss (When the Sun Don't Shine) "Vengaboys
19 December"I Have a Dream /Seasons in the Sun "Westlife
26 DecemberThe Man WhoTravis


2 January"I Have a Dream /Seasons in the Sun "Westlife The Man Who Travis
9 January
16 January"The Masses Against the Classes "Manic Street Preachers
23 January"Born to Make You Happy "Britney Spears Clubber's Guide To... 2000Various artists
30 January"The Great Beyond "R.E.M.
6 February"Adelante "Sash! XTRMNTR Primal Scream
13 February"Go Let It Out "Oasis The Man WhoTravis
20 February"Pure Shores "All Saints Rise Gabrielle
27 FebruaryThe Beach Original Soundtrack
5 March"American Pie "Madonna Standing on the Shoulders of Giants Oasis
12 MarchThe Man WhoTravis
19 March"Bag It Up "Geri Halliwell
26 March"Never Be the Same Again "Melanie C featuring Lisa "Left Eye" Lopes Play Moby
2 April"Fool Again "Westlife
9 April"The Bad Touch "Bloodhound Gang
16 April"Toca's Miracle "Fragma
23 April
30 April
7 May"Oops!... I Did It Again "Britney Spears
14 May"Don't Call Me Baby "Madison Avenue Reload Tom Jones
21 May"Day Night "Billie Piper Oops!... I Did It Again Britney Spears
28 May"It Feels So Good "Sonique Whitney: The Greatest Hits Whitney Houston
4 JuneCrush Bon Jovi
11 June"Coming Around "TravisReloadTom Jones
18 June"You See the Trouble with Me "Black Legend
25 June"Spinning Around "Kylie Minogue PlayMoby
2 July"The Real Slim Shady "Eminem Alone with Everybody Richard Ashcroft
9 July"Breathless "The Corrs The Marshall Mathers LP Eminem
16 July"Life Is a Rollercoaster "Ronan Keating Parachutes Coldplay
23 JulyIn Blue The Corrs
30 July
6 August"Rock DJ "Robbie Williams Ronan Ronan Keating
13 August
20 August"Groovejet (If This Ain't Love) "Spiller featuring Sophie Ellis-Bextor Born to Do It Craig David
27 August
3 September"Take On Me "A1 Sing When You're Winning Robbie Williams
10 September"Lady (Hear Me Tonight) "Modjo
17 September
24 September"Against All Odds "Mariah Carey and WestlifeMusic Madonna
1 October
8 October"Silence "Delerium featuring Sarah McLachlan Kid A Radiohead
15 October"Beautiful Day "U2
22 October"Stomp "Steps Saints Sinners All Saints
29 October"Holler /Let Love Lead the Way "Spice Girls The Greatest Hits Texas
5 November"My Love "WestlifeAll That You Can't Leave Behind U2
12 NovemberCoast to Coast Westlife
19 November"Can't Fight the Moonlight "LeAnn Rimes 1 The Beatles
26 November
3 December"Never Had a Dream Come True "S Club 7
10 December"Stan "Eminem featuring Dido
17 December"Can We Fix It? "Bob the Builder
24 December
31 December


7 January"Touch Me "Rui da Silva featuring Cassandra 1 The Beatles
14 JanuaryWestlife Westlife
21 January"Everytime You Need Me "Fragma featuring Maria Rubia Chocolate Starfish and the Hot Dog Flavored Water Limp Bizkit
28 January"Rollin' "Limp Bizkit
4 February"Whole Again "Atomic Kitten No Angel Dido
11 February
18 February
25 February
4 March"It Wasn't Me "Shaggy featuring Rikrok
11 March"Uptown Girl "Westlife
18 March"Pure and Simple "Hear'Say Songbird Eva Cassidy
25 March
1 AprilPopstars Hear'Say
8 April"What Took You So Long? "Emma Bunton
15 AprilJust Enough Education to Perform Stereophonics
22 April"Lovin' Each Day "Ronan Keating
29 April"Don't Stop Movin' "S Club 7
6 May"It's Raining Men "Geri Halliwell Survivor Destiny's Child
13 May
20 MayReveal R.E.M.
27 May"Don't Stop Movin'"S Club 7
3 June"Angel "Shaggy featuring Rayvon No AngelDido
10 JuneAmnesiac Radiohead
17 JuneThe Invisible Band Travis
24 June"Lady Marmalade "Christina Aguilera, Lil' Kim, Mýa Pink
1 July"The Way to Your Love "Hear'Say
8 July"A Little Respect "Wheatus
15 July"Castles in the Sky "Ian Van Dahl
22 July
29 July"Eternal Flame "Atomic KittenWhite Ladder David Gray
5 August
12 AugustRight Now Atomic Kitten
19 August"Let's Dance "Five White LadderDavid Gray
26 August"Take Me Home "Sophie Ellis-Bextor Break the Cycle Staind
2 September"Follow Me "Uncle Kracker Iowa Slipknot
9 September"Mambo No. 5 "Bob the Builder A Funk Odyssey Jamiroquai
16 September"Hey Baby "DJ Ötzi Wonderland The Charlatans
23 September"Can't Get You Out of My Head "Kylie Minogue The Id Macy Gray
30 SeptemberThe Invisible BandTravis
7 OctoberFever Kylie Minogue
14 October"Hey Baby"DJ Ötzi
21 October"Because I Got High "Afroman Gold: Greatest Hits Steps
28 October
4 November
11 November"Queen of My Heart "Westlife
18 NovemberWorld of Our Own Westlife
25 November"Have You Ever "S Club 7Swing When You're Winning Robbie Williams
2 December
9 December"Country Roads "Hermes House Band
16 December"Somethin' Stupid "Robbie Williams and Nicole Kidman
23 December
30 December


6 January"Country Roads "Hermes House Band Swing When You're Winning Robbie Williams
13 January"The Whistle Song"DJ Aligator Project Just Enough Education to Perform Stereophonics
20 January"My Sweet Lord "George Harrison
27 January"Hero "Enrique Iglesias
3 FebruaryCome with Us The Chemical Brothers
10 FebruaryEscape Enrique Iglesias
17 February
24 February"World of Our Own "Westlife
3 March"Anything is Possible/Evergreen "Will Young The Very Best Of Sting The Police
10 MarchThe Essential Barbra Streisand Barbra Streisand
17 MarchLaundry Service Shakira
24 March"Unchained Melody "Gareth Gates Silver Side Up Nickleback
31 MarchA New Day Has Come Céline Dion
7 April
14 AprilC'mon C'mon Sheryl Crow
21 April"The Hindu Times "Oasis
28 April"Freak Like Me "Sugababes A New Day Has ComeCéline Dion
5 May"Kiss Kiss "Holly Valance The Last Broadcast Doves
12 May"If Tomorrow Never Comes "Ronan Keating EscapeEnrique Iglesias
19 May18 Moby
26 May"Without Me "Eminem Destination Ronan Keating
2 June"Light My Fire "Will YoungThe Eminem Show Eminem
9 June
16 June"A Little Less Conversation "Elvis vs. JXL
23 June
30 June
7 JulyHeathen Chemistry Oasis
14 July"Anyone of Us (Stupid Mistake) "Gareth GatesBy the Way Red Hot Chili Peppers
21 July
28 July
4 August"Colourblind "Darius The Rising Bruce Springsteen
11 AugustBy the WayRed Hot Chili Peppers
18 August"Round Round "Sugababes
25 AugustImagine Eva Cassidy
1 September"The Tide Is High (Get the Feeling) "Atomic Kitten A Rush of Blood to the Head Coldplay
8 September
15 SeptemberFeels So Good Atomic Kitten
22 September"Just Like a Pill "Pink
29 September"The Long and Winding Road /. Suspicious Minds "Will Young Gareth GatesElv1s - 30 #1 Hits Elvis Presley
6 October
13 October"The Ketchup Song (Aserejé) "Las Ketchup From Now On Will Young
20 October"Dilemma "Nelly featuring Kelly Rowland
27 October"The Ketchup Song (Aserejé)"Las KetchupOne by One Foo Fighters
3 November"Heaven "DJ Sammy Yanou featuring Do A New Day At Midnight David Gray
10 November"Unbreakable "WestlifeThe Best of 1990–2000 U2
17 November"Dirrty "Christina Aguilera featuring Redman Unbreakable: The Greatest Hits Volume 1 Westlife
24 NovemberEscapology Robbie Williams
1 December"We've Got Tonight "Ronan Keating feat. Lulu
8 December"Cheeky Song (Touch My Bum) "The Cheeky Girls
15 December"Sorry Seems to Be the Hardest Word "Blue featuring Elton John
22 December"Sound of the Underground "Girls Aloud
29 December


5 January"Sound of the Underground "Girls Aloud Let Go Avril Lavigne
12 January"Danger High Voltage "Electric Six
19 January"Stop Living the Lie "David Sneddon
26 January
2 February"All the Things She Said "T.A.T.u. Busted Busted
9 February"Songbird "Oasis Simply Deep Kelly Rowland
16 February"I Can't Break Down "Sinéad Quinn 100th Window Massive Attack
23 February"All the Things She Said"T.A.T.u.By the Way Red Hot Chili Peppers
2 March"The Boys of Summer "DJ Sammy featuring Loona Greatest HitsTom Jones
9 March"Beautiful "Christina Aguilera Come Away With Me Norah Jones
16 March"Spirit in the Sky "Gareth Gates The Kumars
23 March
30 March"Make Luv "Room 5 featuring Oliver Cheatham
6 AprilElephant The White Stripes
13 April
20 April
27 April"Don't Let Go "David SneddonAmerican Life Madonna
4 May"Loneliness "Tomcraft Seven Years - Ten Weeks David Sneddon
11 May"Take Your Shoes Off "The Cheeky Girls Think Tank Blur
18 May"Ignition (Remix) "R. Kelly BustedBusted
25 MayJustified Justin Timberlake
1 June"Say Goodbye / Love Ain't Gonna Wait For You "S Club
8 June"Bring Me to Life "Evanescence You Gotta Go There to Come Back Stereophonics
15 JuneHail to the Thief Radiohead
22 June"Fast Food Song "Fast Food Rockers Fallen Evanescence
29 JuneDangerously in Love Beyoncé
6 July"Crazy in Love "Beyoncé featuring Jay-Z
13 July
20 July
27 July
3 August"Something Beautiful "Robbie Williams Magic and Medicine The Coral
10 August"Pretty Green Eyes "Ultrabeat
17 AugustAmerican Tune Eva Cassidy
24 August
31 August"Are You Ready for Love "Elton John Permission to Land The Darkness
7 September"Where Is the Love? "The Black Eyed Peas
14 September
21 September
28 September
5 OctoberLife for Rent Dido
12 October
19 October"Hole in the Head "Sugababes
26 October"Be Faithful "Fatman Scoop Rooms on Fire The Strokes
2 NovemberIn Time: The Best of R.E.M. 1988–2003 R.E.M
9 November"Slow "Kylie Minogue Life for RentDido
16 November"Crashed the Wedding "Busted
23 November"Mandy "Westlife "A Present for Everyone "Busted
30 November"Leave Right Now "Will Young Turnaround Westlife
7 DecemberLife for RentDido
14 December"Changes "Ozzy Osbourne Kelly Osbourne
21 December"Mad World "Michael Andrews featuring Gary Jules
28 December


4 January"Mad World "Michael Andrews featuring Gary Jules Life for Rent Dido
11 January"All This Time "Michelle McManus
18 January
25 JanuaryCall Off the Search Katie Melua
1 February"Take Me to the Clouds Above "LMC vs. U2
8 February
14 FebruaryFeels Like Home Norah Jones
21 FebruaryThe Meaning of Love Michelle McManus
29 February"Mysterious Girl "Peter Andre
7 March"Toxic "Britney Spears Call Off the SearchKatie Melua
14 March"Cha Cha Slide "DJ Casper
21 MarchPatience George Michael
28 March"Left Outside Alone "Anastacia Greatest Hits Guns N' Roses
4 April"Five Colours in Her Hair "McFly Anastacia Anastacia
11 April"Come with Me"Special D.
18 April"Fuck It (I Don't Want You Back) "Eamon Greatest HitsGuns N' Roses
25 April
2 MayD12 World D12
9 MayGreatest HitsGuns N' Roses
16 May"F.U.R.B. (Fuck You Right Back) "Frankee Hopes and Fears Keane
23 May
30 May
6 June"I Don't Wanna Know "Mario Winans featuring P. Diddy Enya
13 June
20 June"Everytime "Britney Spears
27 June"Obviously "McFlyScissor Sisters Scissor Sisters
4 July"The Show "Girls Aloud
11 July"Everytime"Britney Spears
18 July"Some Girls "Rachel Stevens
25 July"Dry Your Eyes "The Streets
1 August"Thunderbirds / 3AM "Busted Live in Hyde Park Red Hot Chili Peppers
8 AugustFinal Straw Snow Patrol
15 AugustAnastaciaAnastacia
22 August"These Words "Natasha Bedingfield Hopes and FearsKeane
29 August
5 September"Leave (Get Out) "JoJo The Libertines The Libertines
12 September"Real to Me "Brian McFadden Unwritten Natasha Bedingfield
19 September"Call On Me "Eric Prydz Out of Nothing Embrace
26 SeptemberAmerican Idiot Green Day
3 October
10 October"Radio "Robbie Williams Around theSun R.E.M.
17 October"Call On Me"Eric Prydz10 Years of Hits Ronan Keating
24 OctoberGreatest Hits Robbie Williams
31 October
7 November"Just Lose It "Eminem Il Divo Il Divo
14 November"Vertigo "U2Greatest Hits - My Prerogative Britney Spears
21 November"I'll Stand By You "Girls AloudEncore Eminem
28 NovemberHow to Dismantle an Atomic Bomb U2
5 December"Do They Know It's Christmas? "Band Aid 20
12 December
19 DecemberGreatest HitsRobbie Williams
26 December


2 January"Against All Odds "Steve Brookstein American Idiot Green Day
9 January"Jailhouse Rock "Elvis Presley Hot Fuss The Killers
16 January"One Night "
23 January"(Now and Then There's) A Fool Such as I "
30 January"It's Now Or Never "
6 February"Like Toy Soldiers "Eminem Tourist Athlete
13 February"Sometimes You Can't Make It on Your Own "U2 Scissor Sisters Scissor Sisters
20 February"Get Right "Jennifer Lopez
27 February"Over and Over "Nelly Some Cities The Doves
6 March"Dakota "Stereophonics G4 G4
13 March"All About You/You've Got a Friend "McFly The Massacre 50 Cent
20 March"Is This the Way to Amarillo "Tony Christie featuring Peter Kay Language. Sex. Violence. Other? Stereophonics
27 MarchDefinitive Collection Tony Christie
3 April
10 April
17 April
24 April
1 MayDevils and Dust Bruce Springsteen
8 May"Lonely "Akon Trouble Akon
15 MayHeart and Soul Steve Brookstein
22 May"Lyla "Oasis
29 May"Axel F "Crazy Frog Demon Days Gorillaz
5 JuneDon't Believe the Truth Oasis
12 JuneXY Coldplay
19 June
26 June"Ghetto Gospel "2Pac featuring Elton John
3 July
10 JulyBack to Bedlam James Blunt
17 July"You're Beautiful "James Blunt
24 July
31 July
7 August
14 August
21 August"I'll Be OK "McFly
28 August"The Importance of Being Idle "Oasis
5 September"Bad Day "Daniel Powter Wonderland McFly
12 September"Don't Cha "The Pussycat Dolls featuring Busta Rhymes Eye to the Telescope KT Tunstall
19 SeptemberLife In Slow Motion David Gray
26 September
3 October"Push the Button "Sugababes Piece By Piece Katie Melua
9 OctoberYou Could Have It So Much Better Franz Ferdinand
17 OctoberTaller in More Ways Sugababes
24 October"I Bet You Look Good On the Dance Floor "Arctic Monkeys Their Law: The Singles 1990–2005 The Prodigy
1 NovemberYou Raise Me Up "Westlife Intensive Care Robbie Williams
18 NovemberFace to Face Westlife
15 November"Hung Up "Madonna
22 NovemberConfessions on a Dance Floor Madonna
29 November
6 December"Let There Be Love "OasisFace to FaceWestlife
13 December"Hung Up"MadonnaCurtain Call: The Hits Eminem
22 December"JCB song "Nizlopi Face to FaceWestlife
29 December"That's My Goal "Shayne Ward Intensive CareRobbie Williams


7 January"That's My Goal "Shayne Ward Curtain Call: The Hits Eminem
14 JanuaryFirst Impressions of Earth The Strokes
21 January
28 January"When the Sun Goes Down "Arctic Monkeys Stars of CCTV Hard-Fi
4 February"That's My Goal"Shayne WardWhatever People Say I Am, That's What I'm Not Arctic Monkeys
11 February"You Spin Me Round (Like a Record) "Dead Or Alive
18 February"Thunder In My Heart Again "Meck
25 February
4 March"Sorry "Madonna Eye to the Telescope KT Tunstall
11 March"It's Chico Time "Chico Corinne Bailey Rae Corinne Bailey Rae
18 MarchOn an Island David Gilmour
25 MarchIn Between Dreams Jack Johnson
1 April"Nature's Law "Embrace Journey South Journey South
8 April"Tribute to Jinky"Various ArtistsRingleader of the Tormentors Morrissey
15 April"Crazy "Gnarls Barkley The Hardest Way to Make an Easy Living The Streets
22 AprilShayne Ward Shayne Ward
29 April
6 MayEyes Open Snow Patrol
13 MayStadium Arcadium Red Hot Chili Peppers
20 May
27 May
3 June"I Wish I Was a Punk Rocker (With Flowers in My Hair) "Sandi Thom Bright Idea Orson
10 JuneSmile... It Confuses People Sandi Thom
17 June"Scotland Scotland"Trinidad and Tobago Tartan ArmyUnder the Iron Sea Keane
24 June"I Wish I Was a Punk Rocker (With Flowers in My Hair)"Sandi Thom
1 JulyLiberation Transmission LostProphets
8 JulyBlack Holes and Revelations Muse
15 July"Last Request "Paolo Nutini Inside In/Inside Out The Kooks
22 July"Hips Don't Lie "Shakira Wyclef Jean Razorlight Razorlight
29 July"Don't Stop Me Now "McFly
5 August"Hips Don't Lie"Shakira Wyclef JeanUndiscovered James Morrison
12 August"Stars Are Blind "Paris Hilton Eyes OpenSnow Patrol
19 August"Wasted Little DJ's "The View Back to Basics Christina Aguilera
26 August"Leave Before the Lights Come On "Arctic MonkeysEyes OpenSnow Patrol
2 September"Hips Don't Lie"Shakira Wyclef JeanEmpire Kasabian
9 September"Sexyback "Justin Timberlake Eyes OpenSnow Patrol
16 September"I Don't Feel Like Dancin' "Scissor Sisters Costello Music The Fratellis
23 SeptemberTa-Dah Scissor Sisters
30 September
7 OctoberSam's Town The Killers
14 October
21 October"Welcome to the Black Parade "My Chemical Romance
28 OctoberRudebox Robbie Williams
4 November"Star Girl "McFlyThe Sound of Girls Aloud: The Greatest Hits Girls Aloud
11 November"Put Your Hands Up 4 Detroit "Fedde le Grand Angelis Angelis
18 November"The Rose "Westlife Twenty Five George Michael
25 NovemberStop the Clocks Oasis
2 December"Patience "Take That
9 DecemberBeautiful World Take That
16 December
23 December
30 December"A Moment Like This "Leona Lewis


6 January"A Moment Like This "Leona Lewis Beautiful World Take That
13 JanuaryThese Streets Paolo Nutini
20 JanuaryCostello Music The Fratellis
27 January"Same Jeans "The View Back to Black Amy Winehouse
3 FebruaryHats Off to the Buskers The View
10 February"Grace Kelly "Mika
17 FebruaryLife in Cartoon Motion Mika
24 February
3 March"Ruby "The Kaiser Chiefs
10 March"Shine "Take That Yours Truly, Angry Mob The Kaiser Chiefs
17 March"Saturday Superhouse "Biffy Clyro Neon Bible Arcade Fire
24 March"Walk This Way "The Sugababes vs. Girls Aloud Doing It My Way Ray Quinn
31 March"I'm Gonna Be (500 Miles) "The Proclaimers featuring Brian Potter Andy Pipkin Beautiful WorldTake That
7 AprilEverytime We Touch Cascada
14 AprilMacdonald Brothers The Macdonald Brothers
21 April
28 April"Brianstorm "Arctic Monkeys The Best Damn Thing Avril Lavigne
5 May"Closer "Travis Favorite Worst Nightmare Arctic Monkeys
12 May"Your Love Alone Is Not Enough "Manic Street Preachers
19 May"Baby's Coming Back "McFly The Boy With No Name Travis
26 May"Living Is a Problem Because Everything Dies "Biffy ClyroMinutes To Midnight Linkin Park
2 June"Beautiful Liar "Shakira Beyoncé It Won't Be Soon Before Long Maroon 5
9 June"Umbrella "Rihanna featuring Jay-Z
16 JunePuzzle Biffy Clyro
23 June"Icky Thump "The White Stripes The Traveling Wilburys Collection Traveling Wilburys
30 June"Any Dream Will Do "Lee Mead Icky Thump The White Stripes
7 July"Umbrella"Rihanna featuring Jay-ZAn End Has a Start Editors
14 JulyThe Traveling Wilburys CollectionTraveling Wilburys
21 July"Clean Up Your Eyes"The Dykeenies We'll Live and Die in These Towns The Enemy
28 July"Mr Rock Roll "Amy Macdonald One Chance Paul Potts
4 August"The Way I Are "Timbaland featuring Keri Hilson
11 AugustThis Is the Life Amy Macdonald
18 August"With Every Heartbeat "Robyn Kleerup
25 August
1 September
8 September"Beautiful Girls "Sean Kingston
15 SeptemberLife with You The Proclaimers
22 SeptemberDrastic Fantastic KT Tunstall
29 SeptemberAll the Lost Souls James Blunt
6 October"No U Hang Up "Shayne Ward Echoes, Silence, Patience Grace Foo Fighters
13 October"About You Now "The SugababesMagic Bruce Springsteen
20 OctoberChange Sugababes
27 OctoberPull the Pin Stereophonics
3 November"Bleeding Love "Leona LewisThe Trick to Life The Hoosiers
10 NovemberLong Road Out of Eden The Eagles
17 NovemberBack Home Westlife
24 November"Loch Lomond"Runrig featuring Tartan Army Spirit Leona Lewis
1 December
8 December
15 December
22 December"What a Wonderful World "Eva Cassidy featuring Katie Melua
29 December"When You Believe "Leon Jackson


5 January"When You Believe "Leon Jackson Spirit Leona Lewis
12 JanuaryThis is the Life Amy Macdonald
19 January
26 January"Now You're Gone "Basshunter
2 February
9 February"Young Free Simple"Urbnri19 Adele
16 February"Weightless "Wet Wet Wet Sleep Through the Static Jack Johnson
23 February"Now You're Gone"BasshunterAll the Right Reasons Nickelback
1 March
8 MarchMercy "Duffy Back to Black Amy Winehouse
15 MarchRockferry Duffy
22 March"Better in Time "Leona Lewis
29 March
5 April"American Boy "Estelle featuring Kanye West
12 AprilAccelerate R.E.M.
19 April"Parallel Worlds "Elliot Minor RockferryDuffy
26 April"Black and Gold "Sam Sparro Konk The Kooks
3 May"4 Minutes "Madonna featuring Justin Timberlake The Age of the Understatement Last Shadow Puppets
10 MayHard Candy Madonna
17 May"God"Attic Lights Jumping All Over the World Scooter
24 May"That's Not My Name "The Ting Tings
31 May"Take a Bow "Rihanna
7 June
14 June"All You Need Is Me "Morrissey Home Before Dark Neil Diamond
21 June"Chick Lit "We Are Scientists Viva la Vida or Death and All His Friends Coldplay
28 June"Back Me Up"Urbnri
5 July"Geraldine "Glasvegas
12 July"Closer "Ne-Yo
19 July"All I Ever Wanted "Basshunter
26 July"One for the Radio "McFly Now You're Gone – The Album Basshunter
2 August"All Summer Long "Kid Rock
9 August
16 AugustGold: Greatest Hits ABBA
23 August"Love Is Noise "The Verve The Script The Script
30 August"Look Out Sunshine! "The Fratellis
6 September"Mountains "Biffy Clyro Forth The Verve
13 September"I Kissed a Girl "Katy Perry
20 September"Thank You for a Lifetime "Cliff Richard Glasvegas Glasvegas
27 September"Lies "McFly
4 October"Last Goodbye"Avenue Only by the Night Kings of Leon
11 October"The Shock of the Lightning "Oasis
18 October"So What "Pink Dig Out Your Soul Oasis
25 October"Don't Call This Love "Leon Jackson
1 NovemberBlack Ice AC/DC
8 November"Hero "The X Factor Finalists Funhouse Pink
15 NovemberOut of Control Girls Aloud
22 NovemberDecade in the Sun: Best of Stereophonics Stereophonics
29 November
6 DecemberDay Age The Killers
13 December"I'm Outta Time "OasisThe Circus Take That
20 December"Little Drummer Boy "Bandaged
27 December"Hallelujah "Alexandra Burke


3 January"Hallelujah "Alexandra Burke The Circus Take That
10 January
17 JanuaryOnly by the Night Kings Of Leon
24 January
31 JanuaryThe Fame Lady Gaga
7 FebruaryWorking on a Dream Bruce Springsteen
14 FebruaryWhich Bitch? The View
21 February"I'm Throwing My Arms Around Paris "Morrissey It's Not Me It's You Lily Allen
28 February"Get On Your Boots "U2 Only By The NightKings Of Leon
7 March"Flowers Football Tops "Glasvegas Invaders Must Die The Prodigy
14 March"Just Can't Get Enough "The Saturdays No Line On The Horizon U2
21 March"Barry Islands in the Stream "Vanessa Jenkins Bryn West featuring Sir Tom Jones Robin Gibb
28 MarchSongs For My Mother Ronan Keating
4 April"The Haggis"Clax
11 April"Right Round "Flo Rida featuring Kesha The FameLady Gaga
18 April"Wrong "Depeche Mode
25 April"Poker Face "Lady Gaga
2 May"The Fields of Anfield Road "Liverpool Collective
9 May"Something Is Squeezing My Skull "MorrisseyTogether Through Life Bob Dylan
16 May"Magnificent "U2
23 May"We Made You "Eminem 21st Century Breakdown Green Day
30 May"Candy "Paolo Nutini Relapse Eminem
6 June
13 June"Fire "Kasabian Sunny Side Up Paolo Nutini
20 June"The Winner's Song "Geraldine McQueen
27 June"Said It All "Take That
4 July"Jackets"Tommy Reilly
11 July"Evaculate the Dancefloor "Cascada
18 July"Paparazzi "Lady GagaThe EssentialMichael Jackson
25 July"Beat Again "JLS
1 August
8 AugustSunny Side UpPaolo Nutini
15 August
22 August"I Gotta Feeling "The Black Eyed Peas
29 AugustReady for the Weekend Calvin Harris
5 September"That Golden Rule "Biffy Clyro Humbug Arctic Monkeys
12 September"I Gotta Feeling"The Black Eyed PeasSunny Side UpPaolo Nutini
19 September"I'll Go Crazy If I Don't Go Crazy Tonight "U2
26 September"Celebration "Madonna The Resistance Muse
3 OctoberCelebration Madonna
10 OctoberBrand New Eyes Paramore
17 October"Oopsy Daisy "Chipmunk featuring Ms D
24 October"Bad Boys "Alexandra Burke featuring Flo Rida Sunny Side Up Paolo Nutini
31 October"Fight for This Love "Cheryl Cole Overcome Alexandra Burke
7 November3 Words Cheryl Cole
14 November"Everybody in Love "JLS Crazy Love Michael Bublé
21 November"Meet Me Halfway "The Black Eyed Peas Reality Killed the Video Star Robbie Williams
28 November"You Are Not Alone "The X Factor Finalists Echo Leona Lewis
5 December"The Official BBC Children in Need Medley "Peter Kay's Animated All-Stars I Dreamed a Dream Susan Boyle
12 December
19 December"Bad Romance "Lady Gaga
26 December"The Climb "Joe McElderry


2 January"The Climb "Joe McElderry I Dreamed a Dream Susan Boyle
9 January"Bad Romance "Lady Gaga Sunny Side Up Paolo Nutini
16 January"Riverside (Let's Go!) "Sidney Samson featuring Wizard Sleeve
23 January"Replay "Iyaz
30 January"Fireflies "Owl City
6 February
13 February
20 February"Everybody Hurts "
27 FebruaryGlee: The Music, Volume 1 Glee Cast
6 March"In My Head "Jason Derulo
13 March"Pass Out "Tinie Tempah
20 March"Baby "Justin Bieber featuring Ludacris Brother Boyzone
27 March"Telephone "Lady Gaga featuring Beyoncé Glee: The Music, Volume 2 Glee Cast
3 AprilBrotherBoyzone
10 April"This Ain't A Love Song "Scouting for Girls
17 April
24 AprilThe Defamation of Strickland Banks Plan B
1 May"The Best "Tina Turner Iron Man 2 AC/DC
8 May"Good Times "Roll Deep
15 May
22 May
29 May"Nothin' on You "B.o.B featuring Bruno Mars Exile on Main Street Rolling Stones
5 June"Dirtee Disco "Dizzee Rascal Glee: The Music, Volume 3 Glee Cast
12 June"Gettin' Over You "David Guetta featuring Willis, Fergie LMFAO
19 June"Frisky "Tinie Tempah featuring Labrinth
26 June"Wavin' Flag "K'naan Time Flies... 1994–2009 Oasis
3 July"California Gurls "Katy Perry featuring SnoopDogg Recovery Eminem
10 July
17 July"The Club Is Alive "JLS Aphrodite Kylie Minogue
24 July"Airplanes "B.o.B featuring Hayley Williams RecoveryEminem
31 July"We No Speak Americano "Yolanda Be Cool vs. DCUP
7 August"All Time Low "The Wanted
14 August"Club Can't Handle Me "Flo Rida featuring David Guetta The Suburbs Arcade Fire
21 AugustRecoveryEminem
28 August"Green Light "Roll Deep The Final Frontier Iron Maiden
4 September"Dynamite "Taio Cruz RecoveryEminem
11 September"Teenage Dream "Katy PerryTeenage Dream Katy Perry
18 September"Start Without You "Alexandra Burke featuring Laza Morgan Flamingo Brandon Flowers
25 SeptemberScience Faith The Script
2 October"Just The Way You Are "Bruno Mars
9 October"Written In The Stars "Tinie Tempah featuring Eric Turner
16 October"Forget You "Cee Lo Green Disc-Overy Tinie Tempah
23 October"Barbra Streisand "Duck Sauce Greatest Hits 1990-2010 Robbie Williams
30 October"Just the Way You Are"Bruno MarsCome Around Sundown Kings of Leon
6 November"Promise This "Cheryl Cole
13 November"Only Girl (In the World) "Rihanna Greatest Hits Bon Jovi
20 NovemberThe Gift Susan Boyle
27 November"Love You More "JLS Progress Take That
4 December"Heroes "The X Factor Finalists 2010
11 December"Poison "Nicole Scherzinger
18 December"The Time (Dirty Bit) "The Black Eyed Peas
25 December"When We Collide "Matt Cardle


Chart date. (week ending)SongArtist(s)SalesReferences
1 January"When We Collide "Matt Cardle Progress Take That
8 JanuaryLoud Rihanna
15 January"What's My Name? "Rihanna featuring Drake
22 January"Grenade "Bruno Mars
29 JanuaryDoo-Wops Hooligans Bruno Mars
5 February"We R Who We R "Kesha 21 Adele
12 February"Price Tag "Jessie J featuring B.o.B
19 February
26 February"Born This Way "Lady Gaga
5 March"Someone Like You "Adele
12 March
19 March
26 March"Don't Hold Your Breath "Nicole Scherzinger
2 April"Someone Like You"Adele
9 April"On the Floor "Jennifer Lopez featuring Pitbull
16 April
23 April"Party Rock Anthem "LMFAO featuring Lauren Bennett and GoonRockWasting Light Foo Fighters
30 April21Adele
7 May
14 May"Where Them Girls At "David Guetta featuring Flo Rida and Nicki Minaj
21 May
28 May"Give Me Everything "Pitbull featuring Ne-Yo, Afrojack and Nayer
4 JuneBorn This Way Lady Gaga
11 June
18 June"Changed the Way You Kiss Me "Example Suck It and See Arctic Monkeys
25 June"Bounce "Calvin Harris featuring Kelis ProgressTake That
2 July"Don't Wanna Go Home "Jason Derulo Born This WayLady Gaga
9 July4 Beyoncé
16 July"Louder "DJ Fresh featuring Sian Evans 21Adele
23 July"Glad You Came "The Wanted
30 July
6 August"She Makes Me Wanna "JLS featuring Dev
13 August"Swagger Jagger "Cher Lloyd Back To Black Amy Winehouse
20 August"Promises "Nero
27 August"Moves Like Jagger "Maroon 5 featuring Christina Aguilera 21Adele
3 September"Feel So Close "Calvin HarrisEchoes Will Young
10 September"Moves Like Jagger"Maroon 5 featuring Christina AguileraNothing but the Beat David Guetta
17 September"All About Tonight "Pixie Lott 21Adele
24 September"What Makes You Beautiful "One Direction + Ed Sheeran
1 October"No Regrets "Dappy Velociraptor! Kasabian
8 October"Loca People "Sak Noel The Awakening James Morrison
15 October"We Found Love "Rihanna featuring Calvin Harris
22 OctoberThe Ultimate Collection Steps
29 OctoberNoel Gallagher's High Flying Birds Noel Gallagher's High Flying Birds
5 November"Read All About It "Professor Green featuring Emeli Sandé Mylo Xyloto Coldplay
12 NovemberCeremonials Florence and the Machine
19 November"We Found Love"Rihanna featuring Calvin HarrisSomeone to Watch Over Me Susan Boyle
26 November"Good Feeling "Flo Rida Fallen Empires Snow Patrol
3 December"Levels "Avicii Talk That Talk Rihanna
10 December"Wishing on a Star "X Factor Finalists 2011 featuring JLS and One DirectionChristmas Michael Bublé
17 December"Dance with Me Tonight "Olly Murs
24 December"Cannonball "Little Mix
31 December"Wherever You Are "Military Wives with Gareth Malone


7 January"Paradise "Coldplay Mylo Xyloto Coldplay
14 January"Good Feeling "Flo Rida 21 Adele
21 January"Domino "Jessie J
28 January
4 February"Titanium "David Guetta featuring Sia
11 FebruaryBorn to Die Lana Del Rey
18 February
25 February"Next To Me "Emeli Sandé Our Version of Events Emeli Sandé
3 March"Somebody That I Used to Know "Gotye featuring Kimbra
10 March
17 March"Starships "Nicki Minaj Wrecking Ball Bruce Springsteen
24 MarchOur Version of EventsEmeli Sandé
31 March"Part of Me "Katy Perry Nothing but the Beat David Guetta
7 April"Turn Up the Music "Chris Brown MDNA Madonna
14 April"Call Me Maybe "Carly Rae Jepsen Pink Friday: Roman Reloaded Nicki Minaj
21 April
28 April21Adele
5 MayBlunderbuss Jack White
12 May"Young "Tulisa Electra Heart Marina and the Diamonds
19 May"R.I.P. "Rita Ora featuring Tinie Tempah Strangeland Keane
26 May"We Are Young "fun. featuring Janelle Monáe
2 June"Chasing the Sun "The Wanted Mid AirPaul Buchanan
9 June"Feel the Love "Rudimental featuring John Newman Fall to Grace Paloma Faith
16 June"Whistle "Flo Rida Sing Gary Barlow The Commonwealth Band
23 June"Call My Name "Cheryl Cole Life in a Beautiful Light Amy Macdonald
30 June"Payphone "Maroon 5 featuring Wiz Khalifa A Million Lights Cheryl Cole
7 July"This Is Love "will.i.am featuring Eva Simons Overexposed Maroon 5
14 July"Don't Wake Me Up "Chris Brown
21 July"Spectrum "Florence and the Machine Calvin Harris Cheeky for a Reason The View
28 July
4 AugustHandwritten The Gaslight Anthem
11 August"We'll Be Coming Back "Calvin Harris featuring Example Our Version of EventsEmeli Sandé
18 August"Heatwave "Wiley featuring Ms D Life in a Beautiful LightAmy Macdonald
25 August"How We Do (Party) "Rita OraOur Version of EventsEmeli Sandé
1 September"Bom Bom "Sam and the Womp Fall to GracePaloma Faith
8 September"Wings "Little Mix ORA Rita Ora
15 September"Blow Me (One Last Kiss) "Pink Come of Age The Vaccines
22 September"Hall of Fame "The Script featuring will.i.am#3 The Script
29 SeptemberBattle Born The Killers
6 October"Gangnam Style "PSY Babel Mumford Sons
13 October"Diamonds "Rihanna The 2nd Law Muse
20 October"Don't You Worry Child "Swedish House Mafia featuring John MartinBabelMumford Sons
27 October"Sweet Nothing "Calvin Harris featuring Florence Welch Jake Bugg Jake Bugg
3 November"Beneath Your Beautiful "Labrinth featuring Emeli SandéRed Taylor Swift
10 November"Candy "Robbie Williams 18 Months Calvin Harris
17 NovemberTake the Crown Robbie Williams
24 November"Little Things "One Direction Take Me Home One Direction
1 December"Troublemaker "Olly Murs featuring Flo RidaStanding Ovation: The Greatest Songs from the Stage Susan Boyle
8 DecemberRight Place Right Time Olly Murs
15 December
22 December"Impossible "James Arthur The Very Best ofNeil Diamond
29 DecemberOur Version of EventsEmeli Sandé


6 January"Scream Shout "will.i.am featuring Britney Spears 18 Months Calvin Harris
13 January
20 JanuaryLes Misérables Motion Picture Cast Recording
27 January"Get Up (Rattle) "Bingo Players featuring Far East Movement
3 FebruaryOpposites Biffy Clyro
10 February"Thrift Shop "Macklemore Ryan Lewis featuring Wanz
17 February"I Could Be the One "Avicii Nicky Romero Our Version of EventsEmeli Sandé
24 February"One Way or Another (Teenage Kicks) "One Direction
3 March"Pompeii "Bastille
10 March
17 March"Just Give Me a Reason "Pink featuring Nate Ruess The Next Day David Bowie
24 March"What About Us "The Saturdays featuring Sean Paul The 20/20 Experience Justin Timberlake
31 March
7 April"Need U (100%) "Duke Dumont featuring A*M*E Night Visions Imagine Dragons
14 April"Ding-Dong! The Witch Is Dead "Cast of The Wizard of Oz Paramore Paramore
21 April"#thatPower "will.i.am featuring Justin Bieber To Be Loved Michael Bublé
28 April"Get Lucky "Daft Punk featuring Pharrell Williams Nile Rodgers
5 MayHome Rudimental
12 MayThe Shocking Miss Emerald Caro Emerald
19 MayTime Rod Stewart
26 MayRandom Access Memories Daft Punk
2 June"Blurred Lines "Robin Thicke featuring T.I. Pharrell Williams
9 June...Like Clockwork Queens of the Stone Age
16 JuneBE Beady Eye
23 JuneTimeRod Stewart
30 June"I Love It "Icona Pop featuring Charli XCX Long Way Down Tom Odell
7 July"Love Me Again "John Newman To Be LovedMichael Bublé
14 July"Reload "Sebastian Ingrosso featuring Tommy Trash and John MartinMagna Carta... Holy Grail Jay-Z
21 July"Wake Me Up! "AviciiBlurred Lines Robin Thicke
28 JulyLove Never Fails Jahméne Douglas
4 AugustThe Impossible Dream Richard Adam
11 August"We Can't Stop "Miley Cyrus
18 August"Burn "Ellie Goulding
25 AugustWhere You Stand Travis
1 SeptemberHail to the King Avenged Sevenfold
8 September"Roar "Katy Perry The 1975 The 1975
15 SeptemberAM Arctic Monkeys
22 September"Talk Dirty "Jason Derulo featuring 2 Chainz
29 September"Counting Stars "OneRepublic Mechanical Bull Kings of Leon
6 October
13 October"Wrecking Ball "Miley CyrusBangerz Miley Cyrus
20 October"Counting Stars"OneRepublicTribute John Newman
27 October"Royals "Lorde Prism Katy Perry
3 November"Eat, Sleep, Rave, Repeat "Fatboy Slim Riva Starr featuring Beardyman Reflektor Arcade Fire
10 November"The Monster "Eminem featuring Rihanna The Marshall Mathers LP 2 Eminem
17 November"Animals "Martin Garrix Artpop Lady Gaga
24 November"Let Me Go "Gary Barlow Swings Both Ways Robbie Williams
1 December"Under Control "Calvin Harris Alesso featuring Hurts Midnight Memories One Direction
8 December
15 December"Hey Brother "Avicii
22 December"Skyscraper "Sam Bailey
29 December"Hey Brother"AviciiSince I Saw You Last Gary Barlow


5 January"Timber "Pitbull featuring Kesha Halcyon Ellie Goulding
12 January
19 JanuaryHigh Hopes Bruce Springsteen
26 January"Rather Be "Clean Bandit featuring Jess Glynne
2 FebruaryCavalier Youth You Me at Six
9 FebruaryTrue Avicii
16 February"Stay the Night "Zedd featuring Hayley Williams Little Red Katy B
23 February"Money on My Mind "Sam Smith Peroxide Nina Nesbitt
2 March"Red Lights "Tiësto Bad Blood Bastille
9 March"My Love "Route 94 featuring Jess GlynneG I R L Pharrell Williams
16 March"Tsunami (Jump) "DVBBS Borgeous featuring Tinie Tempah The Take Off and Landing of Everything Elbow
23 March"Don't You Want Me "Human League In the Arms of an Angel Nicholas McDonald
30 March"She Looks So Perfect "5 Seconds of Summer The Power of Love Sam Bailey
6 April"The Man "Aloe Blacc Out Among the Stars Johnny Cash
13 April"Nobody to Love "Sigma Education, Education, Education War Kaiser Chiefs
20 April"Hideaway "Kiesza Caustic Love Paolo Nutini
27 April"Waves "Mr. Probz
4 May"Summer "Calvin Harris
11 May
18 May"I Will Never Let You Down "Rita Ora
25 May"Stay with Me "Sam SmithGhost Stories Coldplay
1 June
8 June"Sing "Ed Sheeran
15 June"Ghost "Ella Henderson 48:13 Kasabian
22 June"Don't Stop "5 Seconds of SummerUltraviolence Lana Del Rey
29 June"Ghost"Ella Hendersonx Ed Sheeran
6 July"Problem "Ariana Grande featuring Iggy Azalea 5 Seconds of Summer 5 Seconds of Summer
13 July"Somebody to You "The Vamps featuring Demi Lovato xEd Sheeran
20 July"Me and My Broken Heart "Rixton
27 July"Crazy Stupid Love "Cheryl Cole featuring Tinie Tempah
3 August"Rude "Magic!
10 August"Love Runs Out "OneRepublic
17 August
24 August"Lovers on the Sun "David Guetta featuring Sam Martin Great Divide Twin Atlantic
31 August"Prayer in C "Lilly Wood Robin Schulz Royal Blood Royal Blood
7 September"Superheroes "The Script
14 September"Blame "Calvin Harris featuring John Newman Lullaby and... The Ceaseless Roar Robert Plant
21 September"Changing "Sigma featuring Paloma Faith No Sound Without Silence The Script
28 September"Bang Bang "Jessie J, Ariana Grande Nicki Minaj Wanted on Voyage George Ezra
5 October"All About That Bass "Meghan Trainor
12 October
19 OctoberChapter One Ella Henderson
26 OctoberI Forget Where We Were Ben Howard
2 November"Thinking Out Loud "Ed Sheeran1989 Taylor Swift
9 November"I Don't Care "Cheryl ColeMotion Calvin Harris
16 November"Wake Me Up! "Gareth Malone 's All Star Choir The Endless River Pink Floyd
23 November"Do They Know It's Christmas? "Band Aid 30 Four One Direction
30 November"These Days "Take That Never Been Better Olly Murs
7 December"Blank Space "Taylor Swift Rock or Bust AC/DC
14 December"Uptown Funk "Mark Ronson featuring Bruno Mars xEd Sheeran
21 December"Something I Need "Ben Haenow
28 December"Uptown Funk"Mark Ronson featuring Bruno Mars


4 January"Uptown Funk "Mark Ronson featuring Bruno Mars x Ed Sheeran
11 JanuaryWanted on Voyage George Ezra
18 January
25 JanuaryAmerican Beauty/American Psycho Fall Out Boy
1 FebruaryTitle Meghan Trainor
8 February"Love Me Like You Do "Ellie Goulding Shadows in the Night Bob Dylan
15 FebruaryIn the Lonely Hour Sam Smith
22 FebruarySmoke + Mirrors Imagine Dragons
1 MarchIn the Lonely HourSam Smith
8 March"King "Years Years Chasing Yesterday Noel Gallagher's High Flying Birds
15 March"Lay Me Down "Sam Smith featuring John Legend In the Lonely HourSam Smith
22 March
29 March"Hold My Hand "Jess Glynne Chaos and the Calm James Bay
5 AprilThe Day Is My Enemy The Prodigy
12 April"Lost Stars "Stevie McCrorie Future Hearts All Time Low
19 April"See You Again "Wiz Khalifa featuring Charlie Puth The Ultimate Collection Paul Simon
26 AprilStages Josh Groban
3 May"I Really Like You "Carly Rae Jepsen The Magic Whip Blur
10 May"Cheerleader "OMI Wilder Mind Mumford Sons
17 May"Bills "LunchMoney Lewis
24 May"Bad Blood "Taylor Swift featuring Kendrick Lamar The Desired Effect Brandon Flowers
31 May"Want to Want Me "Jason Derulo 1989 Tayl or Swift
7 JuneHow Big, How Blue, How Beautiful Florence and the Machine
14 JuneDrones Muse
21 June"Five More Hours "Deorro Chris Brown
28 June"Are You with Me "Lost Frequencies 1989Taylor Swift
5 JulyThe Definitive Collection Lionel Richie
10 July"Shine "Years YearsxEd Sheeran
17 July"Black Magic "Little Mix Communion Years Years
24 July
31 July"Glitterball "Sigma featuring Ella Henderson Born in the Echoes The Chemical Brothers
7 August"Drag Me Down "One Direction Marks to Prove It The Maccabees
14 August"Marvin Gaye "Charlie Puth featuring Meghan Trainor Compton Dr. Dre
21 August"Don't Be So Hard on Yourself "Jess GlynneChaos and the CalmJames Bay
28 August"Fight Song "Rachel Platten I Cry When I Laugh Jess Glynne
4 September"What Do You Mean? "Justin Bieber
11 September"Easy Love "Sigala The Book of Souls Iron Maiden
18 SeptemberKeep the Village Alive Stereophonics
25 SeptemberRattle That Lock David Gilmour
2 October"Writing's on the Wall "Sam SmithEvery Open Eye Chvrches
9 October"Alone No More "Philip George Anton Powers We the Generation Rudimental
16 October"Runnin' (Lose It All) "Naughty Boy featuring Beyoncé Arrow BenjaminFaithless 2.0 Faithless
23 October"Perfect "One DirectionJamie Lawson Jamie Lawson
30 October"Hello "Adele Sounds Good Feels Good 5 Seconds of Summer
6 NovemberIf I Can Dream Elvis Presley
13 November
20 NovemberMade in the A.M. One Direction
27 November"Sorry "Justin Bieber25 Adele
4 December"Love Yourself "
11 December"Sweet Lovin' "Sigala featuring Bryn Christopher
18 December"Love Yourself"Justin Bieber
25 December"A Bridge over You "Lewisham and Greenwich NHS Choir


1 January"Love Yourself "Justin Bieber If I Can Dream Elvis Presley
8 January
15 January"Stitches "Shawn Mendes Blackstar David Bowie
22 January
29 January"Fast Car "Jonas Blue featuring Dakota
5 February"Pillowtalk "Zayn Best of Bowie
12 February"7 Years "Lukas Graham A Head Full of Dreams Coldplay
19 February25 Adele
26 February
4 MarchI Like It When You Sleep, for You Are So Beautiful yet So Unaware of It The 1975
11 March"I Took a Pill in Ibiza " (SeeB remix)Mike Posner 25Adele
18 March
25 MarchGirl at the End of the World James
2 April25Adele
9 AprilEverything You've Come to Expect The Last Shadow Puppets
16 April"Cheap Thrills "Sia feat. Sean Paul Painting of a Panic Attack Frightened Rabbit
23 AprilThe Hope Six Demolition Project PJ Harvey
30 April"Purple Rain "Prince The Revolution Lemonade Beyoncé
7 May"This Is What You Came For "Calvin Harris featuring Rihanna
14 MayA Moon Shaped Pool Radiohead
21 May"Can't Stop the Feeling! "Justin Timberlake LemonadeBeyoncé
28 MayThese People Richard Ashcroft
4 JuneThe Ride Catfish and the Bottlemen
11 JuneStranger to Stranger Paul Simon
18 June"This Girl "Kungs vs. Cookin' on 3 Burners 50 Rick Astley
25 June"Give Me Your Love "Sigala feat. John Newman and Nile Rodgers A Moon Shaped PoolRadiohead
2 July"This Girl"Kungs vs. Cookin' on 3 Burners25Adele
9 JulyCalifornia Blink-182
16 July"Dancing on My Own "Calum Scott Ellipsis Biffy Clyro
23 July
30 JulyAll Over the World: The Very Best of Electric Light Orchestra Electric Light Orchestra
6 AugustViola Beach Viola Beach
13 August"Let Me Love You "DJ Snake featuring Justin BieberBlossoms Blosoms
20 August"Dancing on My Own"Calum ScottAll Over the World: The Very Best of Electric Light OrchestraElectric Light Orchestra
27 AugustBlonde Frank Ocean
3 September"Closer "The Chainsmokers featuring Halsey Encore: Movie Partners Sing Broadway Barbra Streisand
10 SeptemberCartwheels Ward Thomas
17 SeptemberWild World Bastille
24 September"My Way "Calvin Harris The Lost Songs of St Kilda Trevor Morrison, Scottish Festival Orchestra and James MacMillan
1 October"Say You Won't Let Go "James Arthur Chapter and Verse Bruce Springsteen
8 October22, A Million Bon Iver
15 OctoberRevolution Radio Green Day
22 October"Shout Out to My Ex "Little Mix Walls Kings of Leon
29 OctoberNobody but Me Michael Bublé
5 NovemberMapping the Rendezvous The Courteeners
12 November"Rockabye "Clean Bandit featuring Sean Paul and Anne-Marie The Heavy Entertainment Show Robbie Williams
19 NovemberLong Live the Angels Emeli Sandé
26 NovemberGlory Days Little Mix
3 December
10 DecemberBlue Lonesome The Rolling Stones
17 December"Just Hold On "Steve Aoki and Louis Tomlinson Together Michael Ball and Alfie Boe
24 December"Glad All Over "The Dave Clark Five
31 December"Rockabye"Clean Bandit featuring Sean Paul and Anne-MarieGlory DaysLittle Mix


6 January"Human "Rag'n'Bone Man Glory Days Little Mix
13 January"Castle on the Hill "Ed Sheeran
20 JanuaryI See You The xx
27 JanuaryClassic House Pete Tong, Heritage Orchestra and Jules Buckley
4 FebruaryLa La Land: Original Motion Picture Soundtrack Original Soundtrack
11 February"Shape of You "Little Fictions Elbow
18 FebruaryHuman Rag'n'Bone Man
25 February"How Would You Feel (Paean) "
4 March"Shape of You"
11 March÷ Ed Sheeran
18 March"Galway Girl "
25 March
1 April
8 April"Symphony "Clean Bandit featuring Zara Larsson
15 April"Sign of the Times "Harry Styles
22 April
29 April"Symphony"Clean Bandit featuring Zara LarssonTears on the Dancefloor Steps
6 May"I'm the One "DJ Khaled featuring Justin Bieber, Quavo, Chance the Rapper and Lil Wayne Humanz Gorillaz
13 May"Despacito (Remix) "Luis Fonsi and Daddy Yankee featuring Justin BieberFor Crying Out Loud Kasabian
20 MayHarry Styles Harry Styles
27 May÷Ed Sheeran
3 JuneSgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band The Beatles
10 June"One Last Time "Ariana Grande Is This the Life We Really Want? Roger Waters
17 June"Despacito (Remix)"Luis Fonsi and Daddy Yankee featuring Justin BieberTruth Is a Beautiful Thing London Grammar
24 June"Bridge over Troubled Water "Artists for Grenfell How Did We Get So Dark? Royal Blood
1 JulyOK Computer OKNOTOK 1997 2017 Radiohead
8 July"Despacito (Remix)"Luis Fonsi and Daddy Yankee featuring Justin Bieber÷Ed Sheeran
15 July
22 JulyNight Day The Vamps
29 JulyLust for Life Lana Del Rey
5 AugustEverything Now Arcade Fire
12 AugustAdiós Glen Campbell
19 August"What About Us "Pink The 50 Greatest Hits Elvis Presley
26 August
2 September"Look What You Made Me Do "Taylor Swift Villains Queens of the Stone Age
9 September"What About Us"PinkFreedom Child The Script
16 September"Too Good at Goodbyes "Sam Smith Sleep Well Beast The National
23 September"What About Us"PinkConcrete and Gold Foo Fighters
30 SeptemberWonderful Wonderful The Killers
7 October"Lonely Together "Avicii featuring Rita Ora Now Shania Twain
14 OctoberAs You Were Liam Gallagher
21 October"Havana "Camila Cabello featuring Young Thug Beautiful Trauma Pink
28 October"Perfect "Ed SheeranListen Without Prejudice Vol. 1 / MTV Unplugged George Michael
4 November"Havana"Camila Cabello featuring Young ThugScream Above the Sounds Stereophonics
11 November"Anywhere "Rita OraThe Thrill of It All Sam Smith
18 NovemberReputation Taylor Swift
25 NovemberThe Architect Paloma Faith
2 DecemberWho Built the Moon? Noel Gallagher's High Flying Birds
9 December"Perfect"Ed Sheeran÷Ed Sheeran
16 December
23 December
30 December


5 January"Perfect "Ed Sheeran ÷ Ed Sheeran
12 January
19 January"River "Eminem featuring Ed SheeranThe Greatest Showman: Original Motion Picture Soundtrack Various artists
26 January"Strangers "Sigrid RuinsFirst Aid Kit
2 FebruaryThe Greatest Showman: Original Motion Picture SoundtrackVarious artists
9 February"These Days "Rudimental featuring Jess Glynne, Macklemore and Dan Caplen
16 February
23 February
2 March
9 March
16 March
23 March"Paradise "George Ezra
30 MarchStaying at Tamara's George Ezra
6 AprilThe Greatest Showman: Original Motion Picture SoundtrackVarious artists
13 April"One Kiss "Calvin Harris and Dua Lipa Golden Kylie Minogue
20 AprilResistance Is Futile Manic Street Preachers
27 AprilThe Greatest Showman: Original Motion Picture SoundtrackVarious artists
4 May
11 May
18 MayTranquility Base Hotel Casino Arctic Monkeys
25 MayThe Greatest Showman: Original Motion Picture SoundtrackVarious artists
1 June"I'll Be There "Jess Glynne Wildness Snow Patrol
8 June"Shotgun "George EzraThe Greatest Showman: Original Motion Picture SoundtrackVarious artists
15 JuneStaying at Tamara'sGeorge Ezra
22 June
29 June
6 JulyHigh as Hope Florence and the Machine
13 JulyStaying at Tamara'sGeorge Ezra
20 JulyNight Day The Vamps
27 JulyMamma Mia! Here We Go Again: The Movie Soundtrack Various artists
3 August
10 August
17 August
24 August"Promises "Calvin Harris and Sam Smith Sweetener Ariana Grande
31 AugustMamma Mia! Here We Go Again: The Movie SoundtrackVarious artists
7 SeptemberKamikaze Eminem
14 SeptemberEgypt Station Paul McCartney
21 SeptemberTrue Meanings Paul Weller
28 SeptemberLiving the Dream Slash
5 OctoberBlood Red Roses Rod Stewart
12 October"Shallow "Lady Gaga and Bradley Cooper A Star Is Born Lady Gaga and Bradley Cooper
19 October
26 October
2 November Andrea Bocelli
9 NovemberA Star Is BornLady Gaga and Bradley Cooper
16 NovemberSimulation Theory Muse
23 November"Thursday "Jess GlynneLove Michael Bublé
30 November"Sweet but Psycho "Ava Max Odyssey Take That
7 December"The Power of Love "Dalton Harris featuring James Arthur A Brief Inquiry into Online Relationships The 1975
14 December"Nothing Breaks Like a Heart "Mark Ronson featuring Miley Cyrus Staying at Tamara'sGeorge Ezra
21 December"We Built This City "LadBaby
28 December"Sweet but Psycho"Ava MaxThe Greatest Showman: Original Motion Picture SoundtrackVarious artists


4 January"Sweet but Psycho "Ava Max The Greatest Showman: Original Motion Picture Soundtrack Various artists
11 January
18 January
25 January"7 Rings "Ariana Grande It Won/t Be Like This All the Time The Twilight Sad
1 February"Giant "Calvin Harris and Rag'n'Bone Man Amo Bring Me the Horizon
8 FebruaryEncore The Specials
15 February"Someone You Loved "Lewis Capaldi Thank U, Next Ariana Grande
22 FebruaryA Star Is Born Lady Gaga and Bradley Cooper
1 MarchThe Greatest Showman: Original Motion Picture SoundtrackVarious artists
8 MarchWhat a Time to Be Alive Tom Walker
15 MarchEverything Not Saved Will Be Lost – Part 1 Foals
22 MarchSinging to Strangers Jack Savoretti
29 MarchComing Home to You Michael Ball
5 AprilWhen We All Fall Asleep, Where Do We Go? Billie Eilish
12 AprilInterview MusicIdlewild
19 AprilMap of the Soul: Persona BTS
26 April
3 May"Me! "Taylor Swift featuring Brendon Urie Hurts 2B Human Pink
10 May"Hold Me While You Wait "Lewis Capaldi
17 May"I Don't Care "Ed Sheeran and Justin Bieber
24 MayDivinely Uninspired to a Hellish Extent Lewis Capaldi
31 May
7 June
14 June"Shockwave "Liam Gallagher
21 June"You Need to Calm Down "Taylor SwiftWestern Stars Bruce Springsteen
28 June"Canter "Gerry Cinnamon
5 July"Old Town Road "Lil Nas X Step Back in Time: The Definitive Collection Kylie Minogue
12 July"Señorita "Shawn Mendes and Camila Cabello Divinely Uninspired to a Hellish ExtentLewis Capaldi
19 JulyNo.6 Collaborations Project Ed Sheeran
26 July
2 August
9 August"Higher Love "Kygo and Whitney Houston Divinely Uninspired to a Hellish ExtentLewis Capaldi
16 AugustWe Are Not Your Kind Slipknot
23 AugustThe Last Dance – Farewell Concert (Live at Stirling)Runrig
30 AugustLover Taylor Swift
6 SeptemberNorman Fucking Rockwell Lana Del Rey
13 SeptemberBackboneStatus Quo
20 September"Don't Call Me Angel "Ariana Grande, Miley Cyrus and Lana Del ReyHypersonic Missiles Sam Fender
27 September"The Last Time "The Script Why Me? Why Not. Liam Gallagher
4 October"Dance Monkey "Tones and I Abbey Road The Beatles
11 OctoberWithout Fear Dermot Kennedy
18 OctoberGiants of All Sizes Elbow
25 OctoberEverything Not Saved Will Be Lost – Part 2 Foals
1 NovemberKind Stereophonics
8 NovemberFrom Out of Nowhere Jeff Lynne's ELO
15 NovemberReworkedSnow Patrol
22 November"Before You Go "Lewis CapaldiSpectrum Westlife
29 NovemberEveryday Life Coldplay
6 DecemberYou're in My Heart: Rod Stewart with the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra Rod Stewart and the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra
13 December"Dance Monkey"Tones and I
20 December"I Love Sausage Rolls "LadBaby
27 December"Dance Monkey"Tones and I


3 January"Before You Go "Lewis Capaldi Divinely Uninspired to a Hellish Extent Lewis Capaldi
10 January"Come Out, Ye Black and Tans "The Wolfe Tones
17 January"Dance Monkey "Tones and I Rare Selena Gomez
24 January"Blinding Lights "The Weeknd More. Again. Forever.The Courteeners
31 January"Before You Go"Lewis CapaldiPower Twin Atlantic
7 February"Blinding Lights"The WeekndWalls Louis Tomlinson
14 FebruaryFather of All Motherfuckers Green Day
21 February"No Time to Die "Billie Eilish The Slow Rush Tame Impala
28 February"Blinding Lights"The WeekndMap of the Soul: 7 BTS
6 March"Stupid Love "Lady Gaga Divinely Uninspired to a Hellish ExtentLewis Capaldi
13 March"Blinding Lights"The WeekndCity of Love Deacon Blue
20 MarchMixtapeThe Snuts
27 MarchI Am Not a Dog on a Chain Morrissey
3 AprilCalm 5 Seconds of Summer
10 AprilFuture Nostalgia Dua Lipa
17 April"Everyday Heroes"Skerryvore The New Abnormal The Strokes
24 April"You'll Never Walk Alone "Michael Ball, Captain Tom and The NHS Voices of Care ChoirThe Bonny Gerry Cinnamon
1 May"Times Like These "Live Lounge Allstars
8 MayEye of the Storm Tide Lines
15 May"Blinding Lights"The WeekndPetals for Armor Hayley Williams
22 May"Dead Man's Blues"Luke La VolpePeople Like Us Callum Beattie
29 May"Rain on Me "Lady Gaga and Ariana Grande Notes on a Conditional Form The 1975
5 JuneChromatica Lady Gaga
12 JuneDeep Down HappySports Team
19 June"Edinburgh"Joshua GrantMTV Unplugged (Live at Hull City Hall) Liam Gallagher
26 June"Savage Love (Laxed – Siren Beat) "Jawsh 685 and Jason Derulo Rough and Rowdy Ways Bob Dylan
3 July
10 JulyOn Sunset Paul Weller
17 July"Head Heart "Joel Corry featuring MNEK The Glow DMA's
24 JulyRough and Rowdy WaysBob Dylan
31 JulyTwenty Twenty Ronan Keating
7 August"You Are My Sunshine "Gareth Malone's great BritishA Hero's Death Fontaines D.C.
14 August"Head Heart"Joel Corry featuring MNEKWhoosh! Deep Purple
21 AugustA Celebration of Endings Biffy Clyro
28 August"Dynamite "BTS Imploding the Mirage The Killers
4 September"Lighter "Nathan Dawe featuring KSI SM2 Metallica
11 September"Lasting Lover "Sigala and James Arthur Goats Head Soup The Rolling Stones
18 September"Midnight Sky "Miley Cyrus The Universal Want Doves
25 September"Lasting Lover"Sigala and James ArthurTea for the Tillerman2Cat Stevens
2 OctoberUltra Mono Idles
9 OctoberLive Around the World Queen + Adam Lambert
16 October"Midnight Sky"Miley Cyrus10 Songs Travis
23 October"Lasting Lover"Sigala and James ArthurCherry Blossom The Vamps
30 October"Sweet Melody "Little Mix Letter to You Bruce Springsteen
External links
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